what i really don't understand, is how the majority of people i've had discussions with who are pro-abortion oppose the death penalty? can someone explain to me how that makes any sense? you can murder an innocent child, but a dangerous criminal has more of a right to life? i just don't get it.
'what i really don't understand, is how the majority of people i've had discussions with who are anti-abortion support the death penalty and foreign wars? can someone explain to me how that makes any sense? you can kill an adult human being, but a clump of anonymous cells has more of a right to life? i just don't get it.'
Imagine you have been raped (possibly by, say an uncle). It turns out your pregnant and now have genital warts. Do you really want to bear an incest rape baby? And it's not a child. It is a group of cells that have no conscience or heart. terminating the pregnancy is not painful to the embryo as it has no feelings.
1) I personally am opposed to abortion but I have no right to tell any woman what procedures she can or cannot have. It's her choice. She is the one who has to look in the mirror, not me.
2) I oppose the death penalty because I believe there is no life beyond this existence and if you want to punish someone then you make their time here as unpleasant as possible rather than simply taking it away. Locked in a concrete and steel enclosure with no chance to ever walk unfettered again is the only punishment that is acceptable.
Can you explain how so many people who are 'pro-life' are in favour of the death penalty?
And nobody is 'pro-abortion', they just think people should have the choice, they aren't urging them to go get abortions you numpty.
"you can murder an innocent child,"
you probably think that semen which is ejaculated and doesn't fertilise an egg and becomes a child is murder too.
because we want to make a better world.
jesus... as corny as that sounds, that's actually the difference between you and us.
1) You're assuming that they are guilty. Even in the safest of convictions there is always a little doubt. And once you take a mans life away, you can't give it back.
2) It's not a good idea to let governments have the power to execute their own citizens.
3) The majority of execution methods (gas, lethal injection, electric chair) could easily be defined as both cruel and unusual punishments.
4) The death penalty smacks of retribution and revenge. Not justice. By advocating the death penalty you are no better than the murderers you seek to execute and deter.
5) Penn and Teller said it best. The death penalty makes murderers of us all. As soon as one innocent man is executed, we are all murderers for letting it happen. And for that, we deserve the death penalty.
what i really don't understand, is how the majority of people i've had discussions with who are anti choice support the death penalty? can someone explain to me how that makes any sense? you can murder an actual person, but a single cell has more of a right to life? i just don't get it.
What I can't understand about Pro-Lifers is that they can't come up with a better idea to replace abortion, i.e. How to look after all the unwanted babies in the world.
I've got one for you: ALL Pro-Lifers look after all the unwanted babies in the world.
...what's that? You can't be arsed to do so? STFU then. Until you do, you have NO right to criticise abortion.
Why do we oppose the death penalty? Because it's been proved time & again (especially here in the UK) that the law makes mistakes, or can even be corrupted, jailing innocent people:
Guildford Four
Birmingham Six
Tottenham Three
Maguire Seven
Stefan Kuzsko
All jailed & given long sentences, but ultimately pardoned because of lazy policing and tampered/falsified evidence. If they'd been executed & later revealed they were completely innocent, the state would have committed MURDER. And Americans wonder why we banned guns? One Word: Dunblane.
1) People are not pro-abortion. Get the fuck over it. They instead are for the right to choose for themselves. Period! I hate abortion too but what I hate even worse is someone telling me how to live. And I'm a man so one could argue this issue has nothing to do with me! (Which I disagree with since it takes two to tango in the first place.)
2) Life in prision without parole or pardon has eliminated the need for executions. It has been calculated that the average cost of incarceration for life is less expensive than the years worth of legal appeals for those on death row.
3) Eliminating execution as a form of punishment removes the possibility of fatal mistakes in our judicial system and removes a level of "death culture" from out society. Now if we could also dramatically reduce the sheer number of abortions (but not the choice, of course!) then we'd be onto something.
I don't understand how Pro-Lifers can march around screaming how life is precious, and then cheer about a war being fought over (To put it politely) questionable reasons, and reach for the switch to execute a man on death row. This logic makes sense to them too.
@Mr Smith
Brilliantly put.
Try to get this through your thick skull... NOT A CHILD... NOT A BABY... It is a FETUS. A clump of cells that are NOT viable outside the womb.
Incidentally, I'm only against the death penalty in the respect that it isn't perfect and too many innocents have been sent to their death. In theory, I'm fine with ridding the world of ne'er-do-wells. If you purposefully kill someone, and not in a self defense scenario, you forfeit your right to live.
I'm with Marcus on this one, I'm not pro-abortion, I'd hope that we no longer need to do them thanks to advances in contraceptives, but we don't have the right to force a woman to let a clump of cells develop into a baby inside her. A fetus =/= child.
"you can murder an innocent child [...]"
Good god you people need a fucking biology course.
IS NOT A BABY . It's not even a fetus. You kill more cells than are contained in that blastocys when you fucking sneeze.
"but a dangerous criminal has more of a right to life?"
I just think the death penalty is too easy on them. I'd rather they rot in prison for their entire life.
"i just don't get it."
And there's your answer.
Agreed wholeheartedly. I would love to see a time when abortions are a thing of the past. However many things need to be addressed before that happens, Economic factors, and education regarding contraceptives at the forefront. However, THESE schmucks wanna have their cake and eat it, too. You can't take away her right to an abortion, and keep her from access to contraceptives, too. Not to mention force a woman to carry a child she physically cannot care for.
I bet these people support charging that 8 year old boy with first degree murder and locking him up for the rest of his life. Because that is the Christian thing to do!
Jessica Dufresne, people like you makes me puke!
I favor the death penalty and abortion in cases of rape or when it the mother's health is endangered.
Also, where is the religious stupidity? This is more conservatives STDT than fstdt.
Abortion is the removal of an undesired clump of cells from the human body, rather like removing a cancer... strangely enough, so is the execution of the dangerous criminal. But the already-born (as in living independently, outside of the womb, autonomous being) have rights, you know.
Ev-e-ry sperm is sacred,
Ev-e-ry sperm is good,
Ev-e-ry sperm is needed
In your neigh-bor-hood;
Ev-e-ry sperm is holy,
Ev-e-ry sperm is great;
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate!
Whatever the merits or demerits of the death penalty may be, you have to be seriously thick to not understand the difference between a living person and a fetus that cannot survive outside of its mother's womb.
(As for the death penalty - right now I wouldn't blame any Norwegians who suddenly think it might be a good idea. But that's the subject of a different debate.)
A fetus is not a child. A government that has the power to kill its own citizens is not to be trusted. Pretty simple really.
Now, would you care to explain why the anti-abortion folks are so strongly opposed to comprehensive sex education and ease of access to birth control?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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