David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
It's sad when I talk with people who don't believe that the New World Order exists. One woman said to me, "I suppose you believe in the New World Order too." What? Lady, where have you been? Doesn't anyone read or listen to the news anymore? It's been in all the mainstream news! Pope John Paul II called for a New World Order (CNN news). President George W. Bush is calling for a New World Order. China and other nations recently said they want to do their part to further a New World Order. TIME magazine has reported on U.S. President Barack Obama's New World Order. Just do an internet search under “New World Order.” The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) even states on their website that one of their purposes is to further a New World Order.
The plan for a world government has been in the works for centuries. This is the Beast System of the coming Antichrist, as prophesied in the Word of God. The world is moving towards a one-world government (a police state), a one-world economy (a cashless society), a one-world religious view (New Age), et cetera. Please read the eye-opening book, “Pawns In The Game,” by William Guy Carr (1895-1959). The average person in America laughs and scorns at the mention of such things in the face of overwhelming evidence attesting to it's truth. It is disturbing to say the least.