Some of the most wicked places on earth today are health clubs. The music has become so disgusting and sexually graphic. Literally, the lyrics sing about oral sex, lasciviousness, lust, whorishness, fornication, feminism, homosexuality, et cetera. Women dress extremely immodestly and gyrate all over the place. It's not just a temptation for the men, lesbianism is epidemic these days. It's all evil to the core. Anything goes these days.
Really? HEALTH CLUBS, Pervy Davey?
And remember, "he doesn't have a perverted mind, he has a man's mind". Which, like everything else he spouts is unbelievable bullshit.
I'm willing to bet that David visits a health club on a weekly basis. Just to check if it's still full of sin and wickedness, you understand. He has to know exactly what the enemies of good and righteousness are doing so he can inform other people on how best to avoid them. It's a hard job, but someone's gotta do it!
Wait! What?
LOL, just LOL.
Dave, it's really douchey to stare at women when they just want to do their workout routine in peace.
I mean, sure I take a casual peek every now and then, but cmon, I can hear you DROOLING from here.
So how do you know what goes on in such places - even one in Guam - if you think health clubs are 'wicked '...?!
I'd bet the £195 in my wallet that he's had a court order issued against him, preventing from being at least 500 yards from such places; or at least has been banned from entering them by the managers.
Methinks Guam's police keep a particular eye open near the schools there, just in case ol' 'Uncle Dave' dares shows himself nearby.
Licking such too. XP
And what is more, the heathen music makes me want to shake it off! Whatever in hell that means! NO, EVIL MISS TAYLOR SWIFT! I DO NOT WANT TO JAZZERCISE AND TONE MY MIDSECTION!
Do not try to make me!
Why does the music make me want to put my hands in the air and not care!?
Women dress extremely immodestly and gyrate all over the place.
lesbianism is epidemic these days
Is this a great country, or what!?
Dude, seriously?
If you have a problem with the ambient music, just bring an MP3 player and earphones with you and listen to something you like.
Or did the police confiscate it when they found out it was full of recordings of children moaning?
Health clubs? Do you men gyms? At my gym they play mainstream music-radio channels, and no-one listens as they all have their own music in earphones.
You have REALLY studied these lyrics, haven't you, Kiddydiddler?
My gym is focused on bodybuilding, so it's mostly men dressed immodestly and gyrating all over the place. Sure, there are women too, but the clothing is pretty similar, and everyone is (in contrast to you) focused on their own training.
Gayism is also epidemic.
Is this what you're thinking about?
That's from 1983... So anything went, 30 years ago too.
But you're not a fundie hypocrite like him.
And that's the difference.
Stay true to yourself. And in more ways than one . b^_^d
And if you possessed a fraction of a subatomic particle's worth of the humanity SpukiKitty possesses Davey-boy, you'd shut down your site. Now.
Because, well, the human body is animalistic and dirty, and sexual, and well you know...NAUGHTY! GOD SEES ALL YOU DO! REPENT!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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