Bettawrekonize #fundie

Oh, and I have a hypothesis about the fire breathing dragons (assuming they existed). Somebody (somewhere around the 1960’s I think) came up with a car that runs on water. The oil companies paid this person money so that he wouldn’t sell these cars (and I think they also tried to kill him to prevent him from selling these cars). Basically, how this car works is it separates the hydrogen from the oxygen, burns the hydrogen and uses the oxygen (because fire needs oxygen to burn). This is not only much faster (and more powerful) than regular gas cars, but it’s also much more fuel - efficient. Right now there are companies that have torches that use water as fuel. These torches are much hotter and much more fuel – efficient than gas torches. It’s possible that dragons took water, separated the hydrogen from the oxygen, burned the hydrogen and used the oxygen (because fire needs oxygen to burn).



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