You guys are bi-polar. One minute you complain about God for not doing anything about the evil in the world. And when he does do something about the evil in the world. He get call out for it. Make up your minds you big babies.
You'd think an all powerful, all loving being would have made it so evil never existed...
But I guess that's just the price we pay for our great, great, great, great ancestors fucking up once, right?
You mean when he misses and hits people in Asia when he's aiming for Europe? When he drowns thousands of kids when he's pissed off at American cities? Yeah, that's not doing anything about evil. That's just a petulant little child throwing his toys out the cot because people don't give him all the attention.
Doing something about the evil would be stopping child porn and molestation and exploitation, stopping murders and rapes, genocides and dictators, famine, hunger, death and disease. Stopping the horrible way his own followers go crazy and slaughter for the lulz. Don't see that happening.
It's called "hypothetical." We don't really believe your god exists, but we don't want to have to type "If God exists..." every time.
And the main problem when God "does do something about the evil in the world," it's usually sending tornadoes to wipe out bible belt towns for people being gay in San Francisco, or sending earthquakes to Japan to punish secularism in Europe.
If there is life on other planets, I really hate to think of what terrible calamities they are suffering for our sinful behavior here on Earth.
"One minute you complain about God for not doing anything about the evil in the world. And when he does do something about the evil in the world. He get call out for it."
The Jim Carrey film "Bruce Almighty". Also the upcoming Simon Pegg film "Absolutely Anything": 'What Ifs'.
Question, Weetryhard: What would you do if you were God?
Because, as proved with your 'God' hardening pharaoh's heart, there is no such thing as 'Free Will, therefore I would completely erase the whole concept of Evil from peoples' minds; 'Thou shalt not KILL'*, and all that jazz.
An ultra-easy question for me to answer. So what's your - and his - excuse?
(*Sings *):
'Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too. '
-"Imagine", John Lennon
*- Hosea 13:16. Those Samaritan unborn , who had done nothing to your 'God' at that point in time, to warrant their terminations. Ergo, God IS Evil. [/Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6]
Causing earthquakes in asia, killing thousands, just because homosexuals get married in the US isn't punishing evil at all, jackass.
It's just a spoiled child stomping some random ants because he didn't get his way for once.
1) Learn what 'bipolar' means.
2) It's not so much complaining about God as complaining about the claims made for God by religious texts and their followers. If you crow about God helping you to find your car keys while others are dying of terrible diseases, one is entitled to wonder a) about God's priorities, or b) about whether the claims for God's glory made by his followers stand up to scrutiny.
3) You'll have to give an example of what you mean by "when he does do something about the evil in the world."
"And when he does do something about the evil in the world. He get call out for it."
You yourself have tried to justify various genocides God called for in the Bible by claiming the targets "deserved" it, simply because God said they did.
Or, for a non-you example off the top of my head, a certain crazy archbishop claiming that ebola outbreaks in Africa - one of the most homophobic continents in the world - are a punishment for tolerating homosexuality, while the much more accepting Europe is let off scott-free.
We call your God out for hypothetically doing something about the evil in the world because he fucking doesn't . All he does is prove how much more evil (and petty) he is than they could ever be.
Also, good job on immediately giving up with the whole "never coming back" thing I recall you said before.
And when he does do something about the evil in the world. He get call out for it
Unless you mean the flood, which was 90% innocent people dying, you'll have to remind me when your god got off his all-powerful ass and did a damn thing.
"People like you are of the devil. Away from me you evil spirit."
You're the one who keeps coming back, no matter how many times he claims he won't. If you want us to leave you alone then stop coming in and posting your stupid bullshit here.
If it makes you feel better you're not making your cause or religion look any better by defending it here. Quite the opposite, in fact. You'd be doing yourself and your religion a bigger favor by fucking off.
"People like you are of the devil. Away from me you evil spirit."
Then never return to FSTDT again. Ever.
...or you're actually the evil one, and it's we Atheists, LGBT people & non -fundie Theists who are the morally superior beings (PROTIP: The multi-dimensional scandal that is Buggargate, and all fundie Christains - No Exceptions including you, Weetryhard - are tarred with the same hyper-sin brush), and you don't like it when we lord our now nore -than justified Smugness, Superiority , Righteousness and Holier-than-Thou attitudes over you inferior subhuman fundies.
And remember: Kiddy-diddling deity (your 'God' & the underage Mary, as per superior secular Rule of Law standards), kiddy-diddling followers (Josh Buggar. And more besides ).
Josh Buggar means that 'Sin' as a concept is utterly destroyed. But then, your 'God' is a worse -than sinner himself (Abraham & Isaac: Lying. Hosea 13:16: Murder & Abortion. Mary: Paedophilia).
Who are a you a mere human begin have a right to judge the creator. And nobody knows how old Mary was, so stop think on what age she was. She could been 16 years or old. God is the creator and your not, so he doesn't have to listen to you. Ps don't give no source that said Mary was 12-14 because some sources say she was 16-18. It all depend on the person.
If God is truly good, why would he need to forbid people from judging him? He, or his followers, should be able to explain why he is good without needing to silence all criticism. The only reason why anyone would say 'Don't criticise me' is if they're worried about what critics might say.
Besides, you're judging God too. Every time you say 'God is good' or 'God abhors evil' you are making a judgement about him. Those judgements just happen to come up in his favour.
And that brings me to my third question. If we're 'evil spirits' and you keep coming back to talk to us, what does that make you?
"and will deal with today wickedness soon or later." that after he learns proper English grammar and spelling? Considering how he can only calculate Pi up to 3, when the ancient Greeks were able to calculate Pi to 75 decimal places; thinks that Bats are birds, Rabbits chew their cud, and Insects have four legs, then he's a rather stupid little deity, isn't he?!
But then, stupid deity, retarded followers. As you keep demonstrating with your use of English that's sub-grade school.
According to reading, spelling and pronunciation tests at school, to determine the literacy of the pupils there, I was told that I had a reading age of thirty. When I was eleven .
Thus, I had my library card upgraded to 'NV': 'Non-voter'. I could therefore borrow books from the adult section of libraries.
You'll be able to do the same. Sooner or later.
But I fear that in your case, it may be much later.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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