Dave4088 #fundie amren.com
I'm not sure if many see the irony in a Comanche descendent urging and exhorting whites to reclaim their heritage and nation. Sadly, most whites probably haven't heard of Dr. Yeagley or aren't heeding his sage advice and most Indians are still nursing historical grudges towards the white man to ally with us.
From what I've been able to learn about Dr. Yeagley he was very pragmatic and clear headed about race relations and the consequences of mass third world immigration. And I think he understood before most that the fate of the North American Indians is tied to that of the white race, their former conquerors. And if we become too weak or perish, then ultimately they will too as the third world hordes are completely devoid of magnanimity and tolerance towards their vanquished foes.
Reality is, no one will consider the survival of Native Americans, let alone their good, this side of whitey. Any Native American with a shred of sense ought to know that outside of those motivated by Anglo-Saxon concepts of civilization no one will exercise any responsibility toward Native Americans or be willing to serve as their protecting great power. The same, actually, is true of African Americans. Some understand that, but they are ostracized under the Popular Front regime.