They will say that the bible is not the infallible word of God, or that some of it is, or that there are errors in the bible or that scientists know more than God does, etc. None of those beliefs can be backed up by scripture so they are false teachings.
tau·tol·o·gy (tô-tl-j)
n. pl. tau·tol·o·gies
a. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.
b. An instance of such repetition.
2. Logic An empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are factually true or false; for example, the statement Either it will rain tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow.
"None of those beliefs can be backed up by scripture so they are false teachings."
If something can't be backed up by reality it's "false teachings". This pretty much describes all of your precious scripture by the way.
Why does the "Infallible Word of God" contain four differing accounts of Jesus' resurrection (a supposedly eye-witnessed event).
For what it's worth, reality disagrees with scripture, so I guess reality is false teachings.
"None of those beliefs can be backed up by scripture"
Better sit down peace4ever, and prepare to have your 'faith' completely shattered:
Read 'em & weep. So much for the INERRANT word of God eh, fundies? Proof, if there ever was, that the Bible was written by flawed, ERRANT humans - most of whom were Bronze Age goatfuckers who had ideas above their stations.
'Did God create man, or did Man create God?' I think the above weblink answers that question beyond reasonable doubt. Ergo, Atheism.
'They will say that the bible is not the infallible word of God...None of those beliefs can be backed up by scripture'
By definition, really. YOUR definition anyway. Otherwise the Bible would be one seriously paradoxical publication!
Which is more believeable: 2000+ year old scriptures of power-hungry men, or modern day scientists (of both genders) with top of the line technology and references?
If you said the former, you really are a hypocrite because you use the internet, the ULTIMATE source of information but don't use it to your benefit. Now sit down and shut up.
Christian Fundie Belief #22: Biblical Inerrancy
The Bible is inerrant. That means it never makes a mistake. Seeming inconsistencies always have simple explanations*. For example: Matthew, Mark and Luke list Bartholomew as one of the twelve disciples, while John skips Bartholomew and lists Nathaniel instead. Some smart-aleck, college-educated atheist liberals have suggested this is an error. No. The explanation is simple: John called the disciple "Nathaniel", but everyone else called him "Bartholomew" because he had two names**. Duh!
Also: in Matthew, Judas threw away the money and hanged himself; but according to Acts, he bought a field with the money and fell headlong and his bowels gushed out. Obviously, he hanged himself, then the rope broke (or in other versions, his corpse rotted) and he burst open from the fall. Or maybe he was carrying a rope, tripped and fell and hanged himself and burst open at the same time. Or maybe the Greek word for hanging really means falling on the sword. And remember, the priests bought a field with the money Judas threw away in Matthew’s version, so technically, Judas “bought” a field in both stories***. Only an idiot would fail to see these are all obvious explanations.
* These are actual explanations, some by Th.D.'s, taken from various fundamentalist web sites.
** It’s been suggested that this was in retaliation for Bartholomew calling John "Nancy-boy" after that ”laying his head on Jesus’ chest” incident at the Last Supper; but that’s pretty far-fetched.
*** It’s suspected that a lawyer came up with this latter explanation.
So, the Bible does not say that it is fallible? Strange! A word of advice: the one to trust is the one who says he or she might be wrong. The ones who think they are always right, is too conceited and has a very high opinion of themselves.
You know, you might realize that your first mistake is trying to refute the claims against the Bible's accuracy by using the Bible itself. Of course, to do that you'd have to be even the tiniest bit intelligent, so I'm guessing it's beyond your capacity.
This statement is a lie.
True or false?
Using a computer or a telephone isnt backed up by scripture either.. so you are a student of false teachings as well...
What fools..I am SOOOO glad I am no longer a Cretin. I cringe thinking back on those days I believed in the sky daddy and all the stupid things I thought and said because of it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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