Bill P #racist

Who does Rothman think is going to do the “wet work” for him this time? At least the Bolsheviks had impressive numbers of Balts, Caucasians and various other tough, smart white ethnics on their side.

What do their equivalents in the US have? Mexicans and blacks? Private school antifa white kids whose fathers would sacrifice a testicle to keep out of harm’s way?

Maybe this explains Masha Gessen’s love of Chechens. But there must be another explanation for her support for bringing in the world’s most murderous white people, right?

These types are why we need to provide both moral and material support to Jews like this guy. [Link to Wikipedia article on Ze'ev Jabotinsky]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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