Carico #fundie
It's just unbridled ignorance that makes people claim that the bible was written by fallible human beings. How many of you here can remember the genealogies of your friends and relatives? How many of you remember what each of them did and how many brothers and sisters each of them had?
How many of you remember how many gold dishes, silver dishes, gold bowls, matching silver bowls plates, pans you took out of your house in your last move as is described in the book of Ezra?
How many of you know how many horses, chariots, charioteers, and fighting men in the armies of Alexander the Great? How many of you know which specific Jews were killed in Nazi Germany and which were saved and their friends and relatives?
So it couldn't have been written by humans unless they had miraculous memories and minds that could foresee the future. And even then it would have had to have been cross-checked by others with a miraculous memory and minds to see into the future.
So those of you who deny the bible is anything but miraculous haven't possibly even comprehended how much detail is in there. So it's just pure ignorance thinking you can refute it. No other book is as accurate and detailed as the bible. And only foolish people ignore that and look for what they call errors. And I haven't even touched on the prophecies that have been fulfilled! Nor have I even begun to show the correlations and spiritual meaning behind the people, places, and events that exist in the bible.
So it's obvious that atheists not only don't understand the bible, but most of them haven't even read it. And they only look foolish in claiming that they or anyone could have done a better job of writing it than the authors did. One first has to understand the depth of meaning behind each verse and what it takes to write a book as accurate as the bible before he can claim that any fallible human or human(s) could write a book that accurate.