LightofTruth111 #fundie
The Season has come, this warning is from the Lord
Hear Ye O mankind time is short ye are in the Season spoke by the prophets in which sudden destruction shall come, great shall it be in that time and many sorrows to follow, as above so below the signs are in the stars the revelations in process of fulfilling, the Son of man soon rises and who can stand worthy before him who has lived righteously enough to meet the ends of the law. Take heed of this warning in which is now given for time is indeed short, and those who listen ye may be spared great suffering more than you can imagine, for it is by the mercy and grace of the Son to offer all a chance to repent and be saved from what is to come.
Many Shall perish in those days and shall find themselves in dark and deary places, dimensions of underworlds similar to mankinds idea of hell. O mankind listen now as I plead unto ye from One who knows what he is speaking, having overcome it all, ye know not the sorrows the future holds or what awaits for those whom die in their sins. Those who will not let it go and repent and accept the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ's' offer of grace in his atonement, who will not strive in righteousness and follow Gods rules will have to taste of the dregs of the cup in which the Son has already drank, ye shall pay thy own sentence of sins and shall not be able to repent until it is over.
It is not worth it mankind whatever this evil world has to offer you, whatever this trap of Babylon has for you, whatever Mammon is offering you is not worth it, the cost of losing your soul for loving the things in this world is great, many have sold their souls without realising it by setting their hearts upon the things of Babylon and Mammon, it is enough for Satan to bind you to the various dimensions of underworlds each according to decree of horror based on a persons lusts, desires and sins. Now is the time to flee from the world of Babylon, let it go, let go of it's sins, repent ye repent and accept the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ' before it's to late. For I say unto you now, a time will come that ye will not be able to repent, that the spirit of God even the Light of the World will be withdrawn and ye shall be in spiritual famine, ye shall thirst for the Light of the Lord and shall not find it, ye shall hunger for his bread and have but moldy breadcrumbs to eat, thy bodies shall be tainted in corruption and full of filth, ye shall wonder what has happened to me and be lost in confusion as the Lord God sends a strong delusion unto mankind in such days.
Mankind ye can say I am fear mongering, but behold I tell ye now that ye have great reason to fear God, for the Devil is soon cast down upon you and comes in great wrath and shall have power over all who has not repented and accepted the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ', those who are not righteous whom live as hypocrites shall be left outside with the dogs, not measured in the temple and sealed. Such days I speak of soon come and great is the torment in that time, great are the cry's and sorrows, many whom were filled in pride who thought they could not be touched will be broken down. Do not procrastinate the time you have left to repent, for I know first had the sorrows to come and say to ye all repent, be ye not as the unwise who tempt fate.
I give ye also this promise of hope, if thou be as the foolish in which does fall know it is not forever, but ye shall pay thy own debts of sin first and it shall be worse than anything imagined. But a day will come ye shall be resurrected with the unjust and shall be before the Lord God in which you doubted in, in which ye spoke against and cursed. And he shall again extend his mercy and offer you his grace. Therefore hold to that hope and know that the debts when paid are forgiven but ye shall go through hell in getting to that point and learn the hard way unless repent now and procrastinate not your day of repentance any longer. But behold ye who are wise shall sincerely and truly repent before that hour and shall be forgiven if repenting in proper spirit, forsaking thine sins in truth and ye shall avoid much if do so. Some if they be called to give their life for Christ to hold to the faith in peace, do so with a guaranteed promise to receive life eternal and be taken into a paradise spirit world of waiting. As for many with spirit debts and weight upon spirit, the scale of eternal law must needs be met. Therefore know, ye whom are the servants of God, though ye may be called to tribulation and even if the jaws of Hell open up after ye, know that thy God shall not forsake ye and it shall be for thy own good. Ye shall rise again and shall be given thy just reward, yay even eternal life and a first resurrection, all things according to thy works in the book of life.
Now in closing, I bear my testimony that what has been spoken shall surely come to pass and I warn any whom would dare mock, scoff and speak insults against such, there are consequences in mocking such things. Let all be wise and speak not against this warning. These things are spoken in the name of Yehoshua Christ whom is One and the same as Jesus Christ, even the Son of the Eternal Father God. Amen