For you boredom, poverty and arrogance are reasons for you to commit a crime, but a Christian thinks these are not valid reasons, because they are sins. You need to get a conscience.
For you defrauding, stealing and as you say, "killing to quiet," are things you would do to protect your selfish hide. Christians consider these sins, so we disagree with you. You need to get a conscience.
It is disingenuous to compare the little flock of the body of Christ that is without clergy to money grubbing clergy, for not only is there no clergy in the Bible, nor did Jesus ever ask for money or charge for anything. Why misread the Bible?
Thus, the reason you are going to hell is because you refuse the salvation of the cross when Jesus died in your stead to wipe away all your sins, but because you refuse His gracious ransom, you don't benefit from this, causing you to remain on the path to hell. You're a bad person, you know that. I am not telling you anything you don't already know. All the lame excuses are due to your own selfishness, rebellion and independency against God.
When Israel returned to her homeland, she was faced with various societies of people practicing child sacrifices. They would not stop the practice if Israel killed half their people, nor even 90% of their peoples. The only way to solve this problem was to finish them off completely. That is the logical remedy. You're really unwittingly trying to defend child sacrifices. How shameful. You need to get a conscience.
When the only way to stop the child sacrifices in those days was to finish off those people, by blaming Israel for doing so, you are unwittingly defending the preservation of child sacrifices. You're a bad guy.
Abraham was surrounded by nations of people involved in child sacrificing. This was before Israel was formed, before Jacob went into slavery for 430 years. Abraham was just doing what was commonly accepted in that day, but because His God was the true God, Isaac was spared, because God was telling Abraham, child sacrificing is wrong. Isaac also represents a type of Christ who was sacrificed on the cross. Abrham is like God the Father, and Jacbo typifies the Holy Spirit.
You also misread the Bible with regard to Jephthah, for his act of making a vow was a sinful one to promise to sacrifice whatever he meets when he returns home.
As long as you continue to support child sacrifices by not dealing with those evil nations accordingly as is the only effective way to do so, then you are coming up with a false reason to reject God of the Bible. Satan wants to preserve child sacrifices through you.
Today if you live next door to someone who sacrifices their children on altars, you should call the police, for this is the proper way to handle the situation. But in those days, it was not just one person next door, it was a whole nation of people that worshipped their god who said to do this, and since they would never repent from this evil practice, the only way to stop them was to kill them all. You are a pawn of Satan, therefore, when you say: "killing everyone because you don't lke what they do in their own home is not acceptable." Don't confuse today with then. Appreciate all the subtle ways the Devil is working your heart with your words and rationales that aim to deceive.
You said prove it was evil what Jericho was doing? Why do I need to prove child sacrifices are evil? Dude, you need to get a conscience. You're a bad guy. Scholars have uncovered the stones of Jericho that they did not fall over, but some of them went straight down as though a great earthquake took place. Instead of looting the place Israel was told to destroy everything.
There is no benefit to being born Jewish, for salvation is given unto the Gentiles as well. God had to reveal Himself to a nation first, and of all the nations of earth, Israel was chosen because unlike all other nations, Israel had an ear to hear since they were in slavery for 430 years.
By rejecting what Jesus did for you on the cross, whether you are Jewish or Gentile, makes no difference, this is separation from God. To receive eternal life you must receive what Jesus did for you, otherwise, as is the case now for you, you are going to hell. In fact, the wrath of God against a person who was given such a blessing as being the first nation He revealed Himself to, and yet forsake the faith, will be a hell far worse.
The people of Israel still try to adhere to the very same laws of the OT as though they are still living under the law. They know themselves as Israelites, the Jewish peoples. They are the same people that were killed in WWII, all 6 million. Israel returned in 1947, but you say "It isn't Israel. They are completely different in all but name". You sound like the president of Iran saying the holocaust never happened. I bet he rationalizes saying that in the same way you say it is not Israelites that were killed. You're a sick man who belongs in hell.
Iran and Persia were not recreated, they were always there. They were not exiled. Israel was exiled and returned 2500 years later. To prove this check your map. Israel is on it, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. They are considered a nation like any other nation. Praise the Lord! Their land will eventually extend to the Euphrates River and they already extend down to the gulf of Aqaba. The reason they will gain more land is because Islam, sinning, keepts trying to wipe them off the map, so consequently, God gives Israel more land until Islam stops such aggression. There is nothing you can do to stop God's divine will. You are seeing it happen before your eyes and you're powerless to stop such prophecies in the Bible. I bet 500 years ago nobody would have ever thought Israel would return.
Whether you want to accept Israel's existence is irrelevant. Israel is recognized as a nation globally and generally as a people they reject their Messiah who came to die on the cross according to Isaiah 53.
You lose.