Dr. Benjamin Spock (1903-1998) thinks he knows more than the God of the Bible. Clearly Dr. Spock rejected the Bible as God's Word. The infamous Dr. Spock is still recognized by many pediatricians and other so-called “experts” as the standard on raising children today. In 1946 Spock's book BABY AND CHILD CARE was published and is one of the best-selling books of all-time. TRAGIC!!! No wonder America is a hellhole today. Instead of exposing the immoral and rotten Hollywood crowd on television, Dr. Spock attacked God-fearing Christian parents who believe the Bible.
Your argument would have more standing if you offered even one specific example, even if it's just that Dr. Spock disagrees with the Bible about beating disobedient children. As the Henry Drummond character in "Inherit the Wind" says, "The Bible is a book. It's a good book. But it is not the only book."
I'd say Dr. Spock is long done with thinking...
There is evidence for the (former) existence of Dr. Spock. There is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of the god of the Bible.
In what way is he infamous? According to Wikipedia "His ideas about childcare influenced several generations of parents to be more flexible and affectionate with their children, and to treat them as individuals." Teh HORROR!!!
Perhaps he was attacking child-abusers who used the Bible as an excuse to beat up their kids?
What does Hollywood have to do with this?
You're just as immoral and rotten as the Hollywood crowd, Kiddydiddler, if not worse!
The infamous Dr. Spock is still recognized by many pediatricians and other so-called “experts” as the standard on raising children today.
Really? The only place I ever heard of him was a history class, and that class basically blamed the Hippie Revolution on a generation of spoiled and coddled children that resulted from the good doctor's recommendations.
[pyro braces himself, since, after all, there are three things that he has learned to never discuss with people]
People raised and disciplined in a non-authoritarian way are more well-adjusted. That alone proves that authoritarianism is for morons.
DJ Stupid and his ilk don't like seeing well-adjusted people. More well-adjusted people means less people will be drawn to craving power for power's sake or frummy perversions of religion.
A fluid society with shades of grey and moderation in all things does not "need" a rigid form of religion. Instead; All religion would be Moderate, Progressive and scripture interpreted non-literally, Spirituality without Religion or no religion or belief at all.
A world of Progressive faith, Deists, Atheists, Agnostics, Pantheists, etc.
Frummy leaders can't have that! They demand power and dominance since they are all a bunch of big babies! The don't care if authoritarian parenting screws kids up. They don't care if countries with Progressive politics, secularism, gender equality and less frummerism tend to be wealthier, healthier and with higher living standards. They prefer a crapsack world full of crapsack psyches....more sheep for your crapsack religion and more power for you!
Authoritarianism and Frummerism is the way of the weak and stupid and it needs to die!
America is a hellhole? I guess that must be the reason you live in Guam, huh? Oh, no, wait; you're in exile because you liked kids just a little toooo much.
People like DJS bring down the level of every place they poison with their presence.
@ pyro
Being of that generation, I feel compelled to take up the gauntlet.
"Really? The only place I ever heard of him was a history class, and that class basically blamed the Hippie Revolution on a generation of spoiled and coddled children that resulted from the good doctor's recommendations."
1. I take it you went to a conservatively-biased school? The only people I ever heard attack Dr. Spock in that way were Right-wingers with an agenda to smear the anti-war protests, and turn every piece of cannon fodder into a "hero." These were the same axe-grinders that "fixed" US Education by dumbing it down in order to make good little ignorant followers that would fight dirty wars for the stay-at-home war mongers.
In case you think my comment belongs on CSTDT: https://www.amazon.com/Spitting-Image-Memory-Legacy-Vietnam/dp/0814751474
2. By extension: What then is responsible for the thin-skinned little wusses of modern times that want an award just for showing up, and get deeply depressed if they don't get one?
"Dr. Spock is still recognized by many pediatricians and other so-called “experts” as the standard on raising children today."
Is he actually still in the 80s somehow?
While Dr Spock popularized many 'new age' rearing techniques he was general dismissed by the oughts. Raising kids isn't a methodology, it has too many variants that his kind pretended weren't there, and he simply didn't understand children or parental issues.
While Dr Suess carries on Dr Spock is in the wasted time limbo that Dr Phil and Dr Oz will also be relegated to.
That being said, Dave and his Bible are even less relevant to a little thing called A REAL LIFE.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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