Booger Cancer #conspiracy

Hitler vs. Obama

It's almost understandable how Hitler was able to seize power. Germany had gone through a time when a wheelbarrow of money was needed to buy a loaf of bread, so the people were freaked out.

So the people acted irrationally and fell for Hitler. The ones who didn't found themselves dead. Plus Hitler played on the German's deep hatred of the Jews. It was his "Look - Squirrel Jew!" distraction that worked like a charm. Give the people something to hate and you can have them eating out of your hand.

He, like Obama, had an extremely weak legislature to contend with.

Obama didn't have the extreme economic situation like Hitler had, although the economy was in a dip for sure, manipulated by a despicably corrupt Hank Paulson, to bring the situation to a head. Paulson falsely told Bush the economy would go into free fall in days if he didn't play along.

As we've seen by the Federal Reserve's actions, they can delay the coming crash for years on end.

But it was enough for the usurper to take up residence in the WH.

Considering our superior form of government, Obama hasn't been able to commit mass murder yet like Hitler did - yet. But he is screwing with the edges of government in every way he possibly can, resulting in huge increases in the number of poor people, people on food stamps, and the like.

Obama has also laid the groundwork to control the internet. It's only a matter of time when he squeezes the news funnel to skew far left like the networks already are.

Obama is doing all he can through the tyrannical EPA to shut down the coal industry. He has also brought to a near halt oil exploration on public lands even as the areas considered 'public' grows by leaps and bounds.

He's used the IRS to punish those he hates. His efforts affected the 2012 elections tremendously, allowing the usurper to keep squatting in the WH.

Now we see Lois Lerner and Hillary defying the laws with nobody doing anything effective to jail either one.

Another 2,000 illegal children come across the border each day - still! This is designed to create a permanent Democrat majority. Mexico has something like that, and you can see how well that third-world piss pot is doing.

Not last or least, Obama's advisor to the illegal Iranian deal was a US lobbyist for Iran! This deal should work out well. /sarcasm. Don't be surprised with Iran strikes us with an EMP attack. Everyone will die - you, me, and the preppers.

Obama has our military training in the public streets. If you think that training is in preparation for foreign wars, you are one naive idiot. The Affraudable Care Act has a provision for a federal army to be used domestically in case of a national emergency! It's euphemistically called a "Ready Reserve." Guess who gets to decide whether we have a national emergency or not?

He will most likely use a health scare such as Ebola to limit everyone's movement while his army arrests his enemies even though they aren't infected in the least. It will be the cover story for the 'detentions' that are nothing more than 21st century round ups similar to the box car round ups Hitler carried out.

Do you recall when Obama promised a national military that was just as strong and well armed as our existing military? Well, he has co-opted the existing military to do just that!

Obama has actually moved nearly as fast as Hitler did in the way that Hitler ruled with an iron fist, which is extraordinary considering the historical constraints of our Constitution.

In the last few months Obama has accelerated the rate of his abuses of the law.

But don't be fooled. He will be picking up the pace even faster than he is shredding America right now. If you think the last four months have been breakneck destruction, hold onto your hat. The next 18 months are going to be a torrid pace like we have never seen before.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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