American Spirit #conspiracy


Please tell me why GLP is suddenly scared of a good conspiracy theory. There are a number of reasons why this event could be another False flag style attack. Let's start with the most obvious.
#1. The F.B.I. admits they had investigated the shooter in the past.
#2. The Boston bombing suspects were also on an F.B.I. watch list.
#3. The shooter in Orlando has an amazing kill rate for one shooter.
#4. At Sandy Hook the shooter has an amazing kill rate.
#5. Shooter is now questions to be asked of him anymore.
#6. The shooters father has close ties to Afghanistan politics
#7. The shooters father has close ties to the U.S. State Dept.
#8. The shooter worked for a subcontractor for Homeland Security.
#9. The police waited 3 hours to attack.
#10 The shooter called 911 before the attack...really?

So, let's not forget that GLP has traditionally been a conspiracy theory site. Where there is smoke there is fire. Lots of smoke and mirrors in this event. Like a good detective or a good magician, you need to stop looking where the magician wants you to look, and look where you are not supposed to be looking.

Who benefits from this event? Is this just another event designed for gun control?

Why attack a gay night club? This certainly fits the gay agenda and gives another reason for the White House to push its agenda.

Many more reasons to speculate that this event is another False Flag. A false flag is not always a bogus event such as Sandy Hook or Boston bombing. Many False flag attacks are very real, but our government is involved to some extent. the CIA and Homeland Security are not here to protect understand that don't you? They are here to protect the interests of very wealthy and powerful people and corporations. Now back to my first point....If the F.B.I. is doing a good job then why are all these bad guys slipping past them?

Or is there something more sinister going on?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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