I think that the atheist god is more the god of REASON. That is why they are so naive about real evil. They truly believe in their hearts that you can REASON with terrorists.
They will write checks to the ACLU all day long and make fun of hukster preachers for being money grubbers.
Well, at least preachers don't spend money supporting child rapists/murderers.
I think that the atheist god is more the god of REASON. Close but no cigar, There is no atheist god. Atheists employ reason because they are not slaves of religious unreason.
That is why they are so naive about real evil. We arent naive about real evil at all. Most of us were once activly involved in christianity. We know all about real evil.
They truly believe in their hearts that you can REASON with terrorists. Belief has nothing to do with it, Everyone with 2 or more braincells to rub together knows that designating someone a "terrorist" does not in any way affect their ability to reason.
They will write checks to the ACLU all day long No we wont. We have something called "lives"
and make fun of hukster preachers for being money grubbers. I dont know about that, Making fun of hukster preachers gets boring after the first 2 seconds.
Well, at least preachers don't spend money supporting child rapists/murderers." Well, actualy they do, In fact preachers are the leading supporters of such people, (only supporters in most cases)
So... Anymore bizzare assertions to make?
If there were a God of Reason, I think you could do far worse than to worship her. But as things stand, reason is hardly a deity, let alone one that atheists bow down to.
It is because we use reason that we don't believe that a god exists. Of course, reason and logic are two things that the Babble warns someone not to use. They wouldn't want you Christians going around thinking for yourselves. You might just reason yourself to to the idea what us freethinkers have realized for a while now, and I covered that in the first sentence.
oh oh, don't forget:
*The ACLU helped Rush Limbaugh too!* Remember, when your buddy Rush (you -do- listen to Rush) was popping all those pills?
Here's a source you'll believe:
So it really should be "child rapists, murderers, and Rush Limbaugh" (or is that redundant? I mean he did take all that viagra with him when he went on vacation to an island known for specializing in little boys.)
Hey, Freak, the ACLU protects your right to say wrong, ignorant and brain-numbingly stupid things, so take it easy on the them.
Because of reason, you´ve got this computer, you are expected to live over fourty and have all the tech to fight terrorism. And second, they don´t believe that they can reason with terrorism, but that if we eliminate factors such as poverty or ignorance with the help of moderate Muslims, the problem would finish. And they can, of course, reason with some terrorists who may have end up there for confusion or so. And yes, they don´t spend money supporting rapist or muderers, more often they´re one of them or justify them using the Bible.
I think that the atheist god is more the god of REASON. Why, thank you.
"I think that the atheist god is more the god of REASON. That is why they are so naive about real evil. They truly believe in their hearts that you can REASON with terrorists.
He has a point here. I've decided not to reason with fundie any more, but to
attack them, humiliate them, beat them bloody and when they're down, kick the shit out of them until they're too terrified to to make a peep about Hitler was an atheist or Osama is an evolutionist or whatever twaddle of the week they're pushing.
I can't decide whether to be appalled or amused that fundies are so gawd-obsessed that they can't imagine the rest of us aren't the same.
And I really doubt that people who base their lives on REASON are naive about real evil. They're not wasting their time on fantasy evil, like Satan or the Illuminati or whatever the monster of the month is.
What part of athiesism do yo have trouble with? Personally I think it's the "a".
Ah, the joys of the homeschool alphabet and its 25 holy letters.
Disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
That's a dictionary quote. A dictionary being a more reasonable reference point than the Bible for the meaning of certain words.
Real evil? So, genocide, rape, war, theft are imaginary evils? Curse my hyperactive imagination!
You can reason with most people. Only fundies seem exempt from that, and terrorists (the actual ones, not muslims in general) are simply fundies with bombs. Pot calling the kettle black there then.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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