fuzzylogic #fundie freerepublic.com

I make the argument that penicillin, while having saved millions, was the single biggest cause of sexual immorality on the planet. Things that used to be a death sentence were no longer a threat. I don’t believe the behavior rampant during the 60’s and 70’s would have happened if it didn’t exist.

Then HIV emerged in the 80’s. This was during my teenage years. It was terrifying, thinking that sex could kill you - while, historically, it had always been the case. The culture that surrounded you encouraged sex at every turn. While initially understood as a largely a ‘gay mans disease’ it was quickly repeated as ‘not so, anyone can get it’.

While true, the statistics reveal the larger truth. When a small percentage of the population has very risky sex with many people from the same small population, infections will spread like wildfire.

They do not behave, sexually, the same as the heterosexual population (in general). Now that the HIV virus can be controlled with new drugs, as penicillin did for bacteria based infections, they’re no longer afraid and transmission will skyrocket, being ‘safe’ is no longer a concern.

They are a petri dish for virus mutation. It is inevitable that a new virus will emerge that will be immune to current drugs. It is not an ‘if’ but a ‘when’. Every time a virus mutates you have a chance of it happening, their lifestyle is providing the environment for it to occur.

This isn’t ‘hate’, this is science. I only wish they would realize this. There are consequences to behavior, yet the only message they hear is that you’re a bigot to not affirm their lifestyle. There can only be one outcome.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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