Because when do miracles happen in the name of Vishnu or Allah? Never, that's when. All the miracles recorded have happened under the Christian God.
In the film, "The Brass Bottle", Burl Ives, aka "Afreet of the Green Gin", ran over a fire hydrant. I distincly heard him say, "Allah be praised, we've struck a well!" Solid proof that Allah produces miracles.
You stupid, silly fuckwit.
"Because when do miracles happen in the name of Vishnu or Allah?"
Any time a Hindu or Muslim witnesses one?
"Never, that's when."
You need to read up on other religions buddy.
"All the miracles recorded have happened under the Christian God."
I very seriously doubt that. I can't imagine that you'd find any references to miracles performed by the Christian God in say, the Maya Codices or Hindu Vedas.
God allowed Sampson to slay 40,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass.
George Dubbya tamed 60,000,000 of them using the same weapon.
Satan does better miracles!
This entire quote is actually literally true.
<<<Because when do miracles happen in the name of Vishnu or Allah?>>>
Assuming you mean miracles performed by them, never.
<<<Never, that's when.>>>
Quite true.
<<<All the miracles recorded have happened under the Christian God.>>>
Also true, technically. All recorded miracles have been performed by the Christian god. Of course, there are no recorded miracles. Therefore, no recorded miracles have been performed by the Christian god.
Because other religions don't make their god into a universal Santa Clause.
The closest I've seen to a miracle were the milk drinking Ganesha statues. Unless there was some sort of magic trick sent around the world via internet. Seeing Jesus in a taco, just doesn't cut it for me.
have you even read ANYTHING about krishna or rama, incarnations of vishnu? have you ever read the koran, either?
i'm bring crushed under the stupidity here.
I'm waiting to see these documented, confirmed, and recorded "miracles." I suspect I would wait until the end of the world and never see a single speck of evidence, just a lot of hearsay and urban legends the same as every other religion on the planet.
Only religions that say miracles can happen have "recorded" miracles. Little self-serving to say the least. The secular and scientific world have no acceptance of and said "recorded " miracles as there is no proof of any of them happenibg.
They're stories, just like the holy books before them. Absolute and total fiction.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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