Jeremiah Johnson #fundie


Greetings, due to the incredibly high volume of accusations, suspicion, and hate that I have received in the last 24 hours from folks around the USA regarding the recent article I wrote that was published in Charisma Magazine, I want to bring clarity to a few false and misguided statements people are making toward what was prophesied. Also, I will not attempt to defend myself here, I will leave that up to the Lord Jesus now and when I stand before Him and give an account for every word I've spoken. The goal of this post is to strictly help those who read the article and have questions and what largely appears to be a gross misinterpretation of what was published.

What the article does NOT say:

1. Donald Trump will be the next US President.
2. Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee.
3. That I (Jeremiah Johnson) personally support and endorse Donald Trump's personal moral decisions or anything he has publicly said regarding politics (including the past).
4. Donald Trump is a devout Christian and His life aligns with biblical principles.

What the article does say:

1. Donald Trump is going to be used by God as a trumpet in America to expose darkness and perversion.
2. Christians must look past/through his bantering and listen for the truth that God is going to make known through him.
3. God can use anyone He chooses to fulfill His purposes and plans in the earth. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, the Jews who crucified Jesus, or Donald Trump among many.

After reading through about 1,000 pieces of mail in the last 24 hours, here is my conclusion:

Some Christians appear to be absolutely infuriated at the thought or prophetic word that God is going to use Donald Trump as a Trumpet to expose darkness and bring truth because of His moral background and political views. Perhaps God not being limited, subjected, and dependent to who human beings think He should use for His glory reveals their own issues with God, not a prophetic word.

I, like many of you, was shocked by the word I received regarding Donald Trump. Trust me when I say it was given with fear and trembling. Again, I am not called to prophesy what I think or what my opinion is. I simply deliver the word of the Lord and encourage the saints to test and judge what has been spoken.

I will publicly repent to the body of Christ if what was prophesied does not come to pass.

I pray that what has been written here will help bring clarity to any viewers or listeners that had questions or possibly misunderstood what was written. God bless you and let's continue to keep our ears and eyes open to what the Spirit is saying in this hour.


Jeremiah Johnson



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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