Any education that is not Christian (God-ward, biblical) is anti-christian. By this I mean it is a substitute. It takes the place of Christian education. This is the biblical definiation of "anti" in the Bible. (i.e. antichrist = substitute Christ). As someone put it, "Education without God's Word makes clever devils." Another said, "To educate the mind of a bad man, without correcting his morals, is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac."
"To educate the mind of a bad man, without correcting his morals, is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac."
Actually I'd agree with this. For one thing, if you don't correct his fundie views, he's going to be running "god's will" through people.
Bible != morals.
Ok, can you put 2+2=4 in a Biblical way?. Education without God is education, just as education with religion in the curriculum is education too. You see, we don´t stop producing computers, medicines, DNA tests.............with a long tradition of secular education.
biblical definiation
Oh, I wasn't aware that the Bible included a compendium with definitions. Does it have pronunciations and point out where it might be mistranslated from the original Koine Greek, changing whole meanings?
Yeah, didn't think so.
Anti- means "against" or "opposite". As in, you are the anti-intelligent. That is not to say that you are a substitute for intelligent, you're just fucking dumb.
Any education that is not science education, but based on backwards, primitive beliefs, is anti science.
All a Christian education makes you suitable for is saying "Would you like some fries with that?".
A real education makes you able to build a space shuttle, or do really great things, like ignore superstitious nonsense like the Bible or the Q'uran.
"To educate the mind of a bad man, without correcting his morals, is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac." Sam Harris put it better than this: It's possible to be well-educated enough to build a nuclear bomb - and still think you're going to get the 72 virgins in Heaven ".
"Education that is not Christian is anti-Christian". This is "Dark Ages" nonsense! The problem here is we see education as simply that, learning about things, you fundies seem to see it as indoctrination and project that belief on everyone else. And we live everyday with swords in the hands of "maniacs" (and some of them claim to be "born again" Christians). "Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who kept their swords."
"To educate the mind of a bad man, without correcting his morals, is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac."
Like Sylar on Heroes ! But I bet you think that show is evil, so never mind.
So, you believe that the Bible should be a textbook? Right-o.
As soon as you can prove that rabbits chew their cud, bats are birds and insects only have 4 legs, we'll get right on that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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