Destroying traditional morality...
Boy meets girl and they marry and have children. They both teach their children gender roles and how to live a good Godly healthy life.
Hollywood and even society seem to be attacking this model of traditional Christian life. The last movie I saw where this was the rule was Fireproof, and even there no children were involved. Is attacking this staple really good for society?
I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda. I also understand none of those lead to children who grow to be well adjusted adults. It seems like this sort of hedonism leads to abdication of the agenda of future generations. What are the throw away children of this generation supposed to think, do, or work toward? There are many, and they are as confused about it as I am.
"I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda."
No, you don't. If you did, you would know that the respective "agendas" of which you speak are solely limited to: sucking the next guy's dick, making money at John Q. Law's expense, and enjoying life however possible (the latter, within the very broad boundaries of basic societal harmony, should be the "agenda" of any sane human).
It's Christianity and other forms of organized religion that truly can be said to have an agenda: namely, bringing down to your own level the multitudes of people who happen to be having more fun than you can with the one allotted mortal life they each have.
If that's what it means to uphold, thanks; I think I'll pass.
"Boy meets girl and they marry and have children. They both teach their children gender roles and how to live a good Godly healthy life.... this model of traditional Christian life"
Fuck you Xtians, thinking you invented things like this, this stuff was around before any religion as was other things you try to copyright like morality and laws.
To my knowledge, some of the traditional bestsellers of all time, such as Don Quijote de la Mancha, Hamlet or the Divine comedy, don't include children in their plot. And to my knowledge, neither Miguel de Cervantes, Shakespeare or Dante were anti-family.
If you read your Bible, it's more like "Boy meets girls, takes them in war, or just plain buys them, and they marry (with or without the girls' consent) and have children."
"The last movie I saw where this was the rule was Fireproof, and even there no children were involved."
So now people who don't have children yet are evil?
Sorry, maybe everyone should buy a trailer and spurt out twenty sprogs as soon as they turn fifteen instead, like you ;)
I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda. I"
You understand agendas that aren't there?
"What are the throw away children of this generation supposed to think, do, or work toward? There are many, and they are as confused about it as I am."
Don't call me a "throw away child." It's attitudes like that towards people like me or worse off, that keep us down.
I think, do, and work toward what betters me and mankind, and I don't need some inane little structure to tell me what I'm "supposed" to do.
Also, last time I checked, I wasn't confused about any of this. Stop putting words in my mouth. Also, fuck off.
It could be the night without sleep and/or my less than perfect mood talking, but this is one of the most directly belittling, disrespectful fundie quotes I've ever read.
In other words, everyone must be raised be fundie, boys must be like David J. Stewart and girls must be like Prairie Muffins. You can keep that, thnx.
Whats with all these fictional agenda's?
And how does it benefit humanity to keep all women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant all the time?
Some women have brilliant scientific minds for example, what if someone likely to discover the cure for aids happened to be female? Should she just marry someone, have kids and be a soccermom?
Jonathan Winters, playing an opera expert, once ad libbed answers to questions from the audience. One was, "Can you explain the difference between French, Italian and German Opera?"
"Certainly. In French opera boy meets girl, boy gets girl. In Italian opera boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl. And in German opera boy meets girl and they invade Poland."
Sorry. The first three words of that poster's nonsense took me there.
My sister in law is a fundy, Im an atheist.
She is pro life, Im pro choice
She had a secret abortion
I would never personally get an abortion
She says she is mor moral than I because of religion.
WTF is a throw away kid? What a cruel thing to call any child.
oh, and you want the gay agenda, here it is.
"Destroying traditional morality... "
Traditional morality like owning slaves, beating up your wife when ever you want, and stoning children to death.
Yay traditional morality!
Some people who do want children can't have them, due to the intelligent design of your loving god. Some of those people don't particularly care to inundate themselves with images of a life they can't have, so they choose to watch TV shows and movies that revolve around other adults and not children. If you have a problem with that, may I personally invite you to find a fire and die in it? Today, even?
If you are confused by something, the intelligent thing to do is to learn as much as you can about it. One way to learn is to talk about the subject in question with certifiable experts. Perhaps it would behoove you to actually meet some gay people and find out what they are really like. I'm not saying that you have to agree with them on every point, just make an effort to get to know them as human beings.
When you feel ready, maybe you could meet some gay parents. I am sure that you will find them to be far more similar to the Christian parents you know than they are different. So there's my suggestion, get your information from the source and you won;t be confused anymore.
Yeah, like that will happen
"Boy meets girl and they marry and have children. They both teach their children gender roles and how to live a good Godly healthy life."
Don't all you sorry fucks claim that's your life? I sure as Hell wouldn't want to watch a movie about my life, boring as shit, I certainly wouldn't watch a fundie flick expecting quality. This is probably one of those people who keeps asking " Why did no one praise God in that movie? I didn't see anybody praying at all!!"
I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda.
Your words say otherwise
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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