I watched Hell-Raiser 2 last night and well... hell looks BAD. Trust me... you don't want to go there for ETERNITY.
Oh, I know Hell is bad. I mean, look at DooM and Doom2. Or The Darkness. No, I don't want to go there (at least, without a boomstick and a BFG9k).
How convenient that IT DOESN'T EXIST, then.
You trust... Hellraiser 2, quite possibly one of the weakest non-slasher plots in newer horror history, to tell you how hell is? Srsly, couldn't you at least use the original.
I liked the Hellraiser movies (1st &2nd) because they (and Barkers stuff in general ) were different than anyone elses ideas. While King takes the traditional horror concepts and polishes them up Barker tears the shit apart and totally reforms them.
No depiction of Hells been pleasant though. Not even Family Guy's. Guess thats why Hells more of a situation than an actual place
Hmm. Ya know, Rosemary's Baby is my favorite movie. So is that what Satan looks like? A dude in a cheap sea-monster outfit?
Hollywood teaches us soo much!
"I watched Hell-Raiser 2 last night and well... hell looks BAD."
The realm of the Cenobites is worse than Hell. Infinitely worse.
'I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond limits... pain and pleasure, indivisible.'
-Frank Cotton
"Trust me... you don't want to go there for ETERNITY."
'We have such sights to show you! '
Just how much further removed from reality can these brain dead imbeciles get? "'Allo 'Allo" is funny, so the Nazi occupation of France must have been a fucking belly laugh. (Fuck knows what they'd make of Harry Potter, using this fantastically daft line of reasoning...)
I watched The Simpsons last night.
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-h {{ s h u d d e r }}, I don’t want to live in their house forever and ever amen . . . what will I ever do?
I might spend an afternoon at Moe’s, but . . .
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