Anonymous Coward #fundie

We must thank RED DRAGON. Message from Heaven.

From Eve Marchal:

"We must thank Red Dragon ..."

Last week I was called through remote viewing in an ET vessel. Our future bodies which had been heated were lying and waiting on tables. New adults bodies! Everything was beautiful, perfect, no scar, no trace of teen buttons ...

A Mounian (small blue ET) asked me if I was happy. 'Glad' is well below the emotion I felt.

This is my first 'mindfulness' body, beyond the carnal cycle. A body that can support high densities of time and play with them. An incredible gift!

Some months ago (July 20, 2015), Kelren (Tall Blond ET) gave me a clue as to the time of departure. Here's what he told me after indicating 'you leave tonight' :

" We must thank Red Dragon".

I noted at that the time the absence of the definite article "the" before 'Red Dragon', but didn't know, at all, what it was about.

We made, Eric and I, researches. THE Red Dragon is a tropical flower, sometimes the first beast of the Book of Revelation. In the Apocalypse, in fact, the RED DRAGON is the first beast with seven heads and 10 horns, the symbol of Wales and its princes who became kings of the British monarchy (House of Hanover / Windsor). It is more widely the symbol of the political power in the world.

But neither the two solutions (flower or beast) made sense until now.

This morning (February 10 2016 around 7 AM) on TV, this sentence was said several times by the anchor (Telematin on France 2 channel) speaking about the logo of the Paris bid for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Red Dragon is the name of the company that created this symbol (Dragon Rouge in French) that seems to please.

The anchor on France 2 therefore pronounced this sentence:

"We must thank Red Dragon [for creating this logo]."

This precised what Kelren showed me about a visible planetary alignment seen from the Earth. We are in this configuration since January 20, 2016, that, for a month. If I'm not mistaken, we are finally there, and this will be the 'show time' in the sky of Orleans (France) in hours or days.

For you, it will be stunning then fascination with this show of ET ships above this city in the Loiret (these are their words). For us, it will be our last death for humans coming from a woman's body (our mothers), and a birth in the spirit realm.

In 1960, while I was still in her womb, my mother received a call from his brother John Souhami who lived in Paris. He told her that an angel had visited him in his sleep and asked him to intercede with her sister that her unborn child should be called Eve.

My mother, of Jewish culture, refused since it was first for her a connotation of vice.

But the angel insisted, forcing my uncle to call his sister living in Antibes, France, again and again ... until she capitulated and agreed to give me this name. Which she did reluctantly. Uncle John offered me for my birth a little golden apple with my name engraved, happy to have been able to influence my mother and satisfy his nocturnal visitor.

But Eve is not the symbol of vice, but that of the spirit falling into materiality, enjoying it to the point of forgetting its subtle origin, and after endless wanderings and multiple incarnations, finally going back to the spirit world.

Eric and I are in a great impatience to live this moment.

And you? Are you ready for this great adventure?

With all my love,




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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