supersport #fundie

Evo/Atheist hypocrisy


I find it so very interesting how atheists are so sure of themselves that there is no God, and that all lifeforms somehow appeared and evolved randomly, without any sort of intelligence to either start or fuel the process. And even more interesting is how they seem so utterly confident in this illogical position.

Of course, this mindset is ludicrous...and here's why: Evos/atheists (Yes, they're one in the same on this forum) don't believe the universe was created by God, who by definition is a creator and thus capapble of essentially, what they don't believe in is an entity capable of creating existence.

So if that is the case, my question is this: if God (a capable entity) isn't responsible for existence, what is?....something not capable? And how are you so sure of yourself when you don't really know what this non-capable thing is?

Paradoxically, natural selection is claimed to be a creative entity (Darwin and his minions claim it's responsible for speciation and evolution as a whole), yet it's never been tested scientifically or proven to produce a single thing or adapt even one population.

So what we have is a small sect of people (10% of the population) who believe whole-heartedly via blind faith in a biological mechanism that has never been seen or proven to create or adapt anything, yet at the same time, they are so absolutely sure of themselves that no entity exists who is capable of creating existence.

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy and religiousness of this?



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