"Women show no evidence of having a soul, and so it follows that they cannot be banished, nor can they be exalted, after death. Like everything else that is of this world, they simply decompose, and so it should follow that women have no fear of Hell."
But first you must prove that the 'soul' actually exists.
Otherwise, you (especially you fundies) will end up exactly like we atheists, exactly like leftover pizza: cold., clotted, and stuck to the bottom of a box.
Such is the finality, nay the ultimate Truth that is Death. And at least it makes no distinction against gender. Death is the ultimate in non-sexism.
"This belief is common in many ancient religions, and is still the belief of a sect of Islam in central Iraq"
Well, let them have their delusions. The very modern, forward-thinking and progressive beliefs that are Buddhism, Sufi Islam, Liberal Judaism, Wicca, Unitarian Universalism et al make no such distinction. Female. Male. All are one in the great progression of Humanity.
Wicca places much emphasis in the Female aspect of all things human. After all, without women, the human race would cease to exist.
Women are the basis of real Creation. Women are Goddesses indeed (okay, so one of my all-time favourite manga/anime is "Ah! My Goddess". So sue me! XP X3 ).