Is it just me or is Harry Potter evil? I honestly cannot see how Christians can support that kind of rubbish!
And what's with adults holding onto their copies like it's the holy grail when it's a CHILDREN'S book?!!!!
I mean, COMAAN!!! If I have to see one more 40 year old reading these kids book on a bus or train i'm gonna go stark raving mad!
Wow, I bet the UU shooter sounded pretty damn similar to this wackjob...
Seriously, what's the big deal, it's a book for Chris's sake, I'll still read Dr. Seuss every chance I get and I'm 21
Meet me at the Broome County Public Bus Depot in Binghamton, NY on August 6th at 10 am. I'll be on 38 outbound. I'm not quite 40, would 37 do? I'll alert the local authorities of your imminent insanity.
They aren't really kids' books. They are appropriate for children (like you good Christians desire in every form of media), but the audiences that they appeal to are broad. I mean, come on, the first hint should be the fact that the books are nearly 1000 pages long a piece. You can't honestly dismiss them as "just kids stuff" with that length.
Harry Potter aside, WTF is wrong with reading a kids' book once in a while? I mean, I'm a heavy reader, and once in a while, it's kinda fun to kick back with a kids' book.
When the first Harry Potter book was published in Britain, an alternate edition was printed with a less fanciful cover, for adults to read publicly. Even the publishers didn't consider it a "children's book."
LOTR is also appropriate for children, written as it is in good clean modern Anglo-Saxon.
The Da Vinci Code is perhaps better for travelling literature, right?
Dr Seuss rocks, i'm 20 and i love it too.
I also love Harry Potter. the last book came out on my 19th birthday, i spent the whole day reading it and finished it, and like what Osiris said, it's about overcoming evil and sacrifice for the good of mankind... kinda like what your Jesus did...
Oh, and JK uses Christian ideas, one of the main ideas in the final book is "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death".... sound familiar?
Oh noez! People enjoying reading!
That might lead to... THINKING FOR THEMSELVES. And we can't have that, now can we?
HP is not "just a kiddie book". The series is about the epic struggle between good and evil, and about just how morally ambiguous those terms are.
Voldemort believed he was acting for the good of the WW, by "purifying" the race, and killing all the muggles, half-breeds, and "mudbloods". At risk of invoking Godwin, I'd also like to point out that Hitler thought much the same about Germany.
Arguably, the first few Harry Potter books were kids' books. What's great about the series, however, is how it grew up with its audience. Deathly Hallows is a very different book from Philosopher's Stone.
If I read one more comment by a dumbass fundie looking to be offended by people who are minding their own fucking business, I'm gonna go stark raving mad!
But I'll keep reading anyway, LOL.
Reading really does scare you, doesn't it? You know, we can pay someone to show you how, if you like.
And what's with adults holding onto their copies like it's the holy grail when it's a CHILDREN'S book?!!!!
I've seen this argument before, and I find little merit in it. You would do well to remember that childrens' books are almost invariably written by adults, so there must be some aspect of them that adults can appreciate. Besides, it's prudent to know what the generation who are going to replace you spend their time reading.
yes, Tiggie. And your ilk teaches the Bible to pre-schoolers and we all know about the infantcide, rape, adultery, going to Hell, born in sin, etc. It's an adult book that is force fed to kids.
Here's to you spotting an adult reading HP and you go stark, raving mad! We'll see it on YouTube.
Yeah...I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep holding onto my copies. The HP series is good reading.
Just because you can't pull your head out of your retentive ass long enough to read anything that doesn't mention god or Jesus on every page, doesn't mean the rest of us have to conform to your joyless, bloodless standards.
I'd much rather read something I enjoy, thanks.
/Is it just me or is Harry Potter evil? I honestly cannot see how Christians can support that kind of rubbish!/
Really? I honestly cannot see how Christians would think that Harry Potter is evil and want to burn it.
/And what's with adults holding onto their copies like it's the holy grail when it's a CHILDREN'S book?!!!!/
The last four books were definitely not "children's books." But of course, you've probably never read them.
/I mean, COMAAN!!! If I have to see one more 40 year old reading these kids book on a bus or train i'm gonna go stark raving mad!/
Mind your own business. Sheesh.
People have the right to read what they want, Tiggie. And most of them don't give a crap what you think of the books they read. Hey, if somebody wants to read Green Eggs and Ham on the bus, he or she has every right to do so!
Devil speaking about horns eh?
What about you holding to that outdated, mistranslated, and abused book like it's the only book in the world?
COMAAN? Is that Conans Brother?
My postee was laughing about the fact they were paid to come in on Saturday to deliver Harry Potter books. He said that watching 50 year old men dance around in their underwear like a kid at Christmas was funny.
I haven't read a fiction book in years, sad really. So no I haven't read the books. But if that's what people enjoy, then so be it.
Yes, Harry Potter is evil. You're going to go to hell for saying his name. It's not just you, and you aren't already insane.
You can tell by the fact you're not speaking gibberish, with made-up words in amongst deluded rantings and using triple exclamation marks.
Oh wait...
Yes, it is just you. Harry Potter is a Christian Allegory about the fight between good and evil, written by a Christian.
It's a book for people from Harry Potter's age and up. And, it's not like the holy grail, it's just a fantasy book, based on someone's imagination. Come to think of it, it IS like the holy grail.
Prepare to go stark raving mad; I'm 41, have read the books several times and own all the movies, some of them three times*.
* The curse of awesome dvd editions; one normal, one in a cool trunk, and one in a miniature Hogwarts Castle, on BlueRay.
Addendum to my older post; Tiggie won't have to go stark raving mad on my account. I mostly listen to the books on my mp3-player, read by the awesome Mr Stephen Fry, so no-one sees what I read/listen to.
Btw Tiggie, it's not just one book, it's a series of seven books, and some related books (Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Quidditch Through the Ages, etc).
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