Mack Major #fundie

Dear FB: your arms are too short to box with God!

I remember time and time again Facebook erased my posts, locked me out of my page for posting scriptural posts, and blasted my articles to the liberal online press to bring my Christian message negative media attention.

They sent trolls to my page, then basically snarked at me when I contacted them about it (I still have those emails); they overcharged me for boosts that they purposely prevented from being seen by those I was attempting to boost to.

And they did it all just to stifle my message of sexual purity for Christians!

When I prayed about it God told me to hold my peace and He would fight this battle for me. So I listened to God.

Now here we are: In just one week FB has lost $100B and sinking fast: and this is just the beginning.

I'm not saying this is all about me by any means. But I sure love it when God keeps His promises!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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