Hue Blu #conspiracy

Attention All Blacks/Nubians/melanated beings/ether9

To all nubians, who are the Original melanin-ites,people of the sun.For we play a part in this end game scenerio,apocolypse,poleshift agenda.Our key is patience and Right Knowledge.Knowledge of who we are and where we came from and what our tie is to this multi-verse.So here we go.We have all heard from different opinions and even scientific evidence on the so called mayan end time events.But what roles does the black man play..Lets see...Our story,which by the way is a my-stery to him,the pale man,the leper,but its really our story.We the nubian,melaninites,blacks go back trillions of years.We have been lied to and made to believe we are inferior and cursed.But it is quite the opposite,we are the originators,owners and creators.For we are 9 ether gases personified by way of electric forces and sound.6 ether being adverse to 9 ether gases.9 ether is conscious and conscience gases.9 ether is the combination of all existing gases of nature.Nothing anywhere can be as powerful as all existing gases.Therefore 9 ether is is the most potent power in all the boundless universes.Therefore 9 ether is the original creator that grew the universes.The melaninites came along with original creation,which is the same kind of ether forces that grew the universe.So blacks,nubians,ethiopians(ether-utopian),original egyptians,sumerians,melaninites,etc..... So blacks come from original or primary creation.Primary creation was performed by 9 ether whose science is nuwaubu,which go far beyond the stars.It is a nubian science.Creation means growth into form or system and destruction means change in form or composition.Now 6 ether is 9 ether in death.There are 2 kinds of ether,not one that scientist speak of.9 and 6.As far as hair is concerned blacks have 9 ether hair,often called kinky or nappy.The follicle in the scalp does not have a anchor,so it curls tighly producing a nine.The lighter the nubian gets the straighter the hair follicle gets.9 ether=kingly hair,8 ether=curly hair,7 ether=wavy hair,and 6 ether=straight hair as in caucasians hair which has a anchor in their scalp producing the number 6.6 ether produces ghost.Nine ether will become six ether through time and age.Six ether becomes ghost through time and age.Six ether is nine ether in death and ghost is the death of six ether.Six ether is the moon and nine ether is the sun.All of this takes place in the ALL.
In a nut shell 9 ether black people are in adverse to 6 ether pale,caucasion people.These are cycles we are talking about.24,000-25,000 yr processional cycle,solar sun cycle 10-13yrs,and others are all coming to a close.This era of time marks our, melaninites history renewal.This happens every 24-25,000 years.These cycles are divided into four cycles, each consisting of 6,000 years giving you your 24,000 cycle.These cycles are sun and moon cycles.Two moon cycles and 2 sun cycles,but the only thing about this cycle is their will be no more after this,which is why the sun has not maxed out.Its leading up to something bigger than they have ever imagined.This will be a exstinction Level Event,but be not afraid,for the divine melanin will be activated and if need be merkabah mechanics will kick in.They show us what will happen through movies,which are usually half truths.If you want more i will give you more ,plus links to our-story which can be backed up with right reasoning,expeirence and evidence....peace



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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