David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
As with many sincere observers who are woefully ignorant about history, Pope Francis blames “free market” (Capitalism) for poverty and the imbalance of wealth in the world. The problem has never been free market, God forbid. In fact, it's the exact opposite, that is, tampering with free markets, that is at the root of the problem. Capitalism is delicate and absolutely cannot work nor thrive in a dishonest, controlled and crooked system of funny money, deindustrialization, illegal immigration and over-taxation.
America's economy is 100% controlled by a sinister private banking cartel. The criminal Federal Reserve (fractional reserve) banking fraud began at Jekyll Island, Georgia (listen | download MP3) and became law in 1913. The U.S. has been in deep doo doo ever since. America's paper money isn't worth the paper it's printed on (and that's a fact!). U.S. President Richard Nixon finally took the U.S. dollar 100% off the gold standard and today the dollar is literally worthless! Don't blame capitalism, blame the gangster Banksters! The Zionist/Wall Street controlled U.S. newsmedia won't dare expose these criminals, because they own the media!!! The synagogue of Satan is alive and well in the world today, owning America lock, stock and barrel. The average person can't handle the truth because it requires steps, a process, to strip away a lifetime of brainwashing from the lying newsmedia, bogus secular education and false religious indoctrination. It took me several years to wake up myself. I could give you a hundred examples.
Many well-meaning people see greedy company CEO's and heartless rich people hording all the world's wealth for themselves. So the logical solution would seem to forcefully take away some of their wealth and give it to the poor and less fortunately people of this world. The latter is exactly what Socialism and Communism does. The problem is not wealthy people; but rather, wealth gotten by tyranny, criminal activities and massive fraud. Capitalism is NOT a bad thing. Contrary to what most people think, the U.S. is not a truly free-market economy. For every success story there are ten homeless people living on the streets.
The average American has no clue that they're already enslaved. Why do people have to work 30 to 40 years to pay for a home? It was planned that way. The banksters don't want to break Americans, because then it's game over. Instead, they give Americans just enough to keep them satisfied, but never enough to become financially free. The plan is to keep Americans working as an ox plowing a field until the day they die, keeping Wall Street wealthy. In fact, The Henry Kissinger Report 2004 conspires to Lure American women into the workplace to hinder them from having children. The average woman will never know that her own government conspires against her to keep her childless, broke and single. There are agendas at work in America equal to Communist China! INSANE ALERT! China, Cuba, Russia And Saudi Arabia Appointed To Advise United Nations On Human Rights! This just shows the true Communist colors of the UN, which was created by the demonic Council On Foreign Relations (the visible organization of the Illuminati and New World Order). Truth is stranger than fiction!
America is a cash cow for the New World Order. The national debt is intended to keep running up higher and higher. Congress WILL continue to raise the debt limit to accommodate the reckless runaway debt-spending. America is being DESTROYED BY DESIGN (free 2 hour video documentary by Alex Jones).