SEDAGIVE #fundie
"Bloodless treatments are not in the realm of reality and there is not a single reason, Biblical or otherwise, not to use transfusions. I myself would be dead without having had one, so don't feed me this load of shit."
I am, YOU are not. You obviously don't know what in the world you're talking about.
Bloodlesss treatments are in the realm of reality, as there are entire medical facilities dedicated to such. So either you're simply a liar, or you're delusional and living in a fantasy land. Which is it? There is ample Biblical reason not to use transfusions, and you're completely incapable of refuting the logic behind it. In fact, you're incapable of even understanding it, as is everyone bigoted against God and the Bible. The only one trying to feed a load of manure here is you.
"In the real world as we know it, blood transfusions are still absolutely necessary to save lives. If you say otherwise, you're just being willfully ignorant. Are you saying from a Biblical standpoint I should have chosen to die? Is that what you're telling me, Sedagive? Your faith would have me six feet underground because of a Bible verse you chose to interpret in such a silly way?"
In the real world as we know it, blood transfusions are getting phased out with more and more frequency. If you say otherwise, YOU are the one being willfully ignorant. For anyone who even remotely cares about their relationship with God and understands his view of blood and life, it isn't even a no-brainer: obedience to God comes above everything else, even if it costs us our life. But of course you don't believe in God, you have no respect for the Bible, and so the fact that God promises a resurrection of the dead for the faithful means nothing to you so naturally you maintain that archaic view of blood that you have.