The Black Pill #fundie
If The Second Coming Happened Today, Jesus Would Be In The Same Situation As Bill Cosby
With today being Easter, I was thinking about how the Community of the Wrongly Accused pointed out that Jesus is the most famous falsely accused man in history. That’s true, although if the second coming happened today, Jesus would have much more in the way of false accusations to deal with.
In Christian churches, many women treat Jesus not as their savior as such, but as they’re boyfriend. It “works” for them since they’re dealing with someone they are only imagining in their heads. However, it creates a huge problem for Christian men since no man can compete with the Jesus boyfriend women have inside their heads. To Christians, Jesus is God, and no man can compete with God, much less what women have in their own heads with treating Jesus as their boyfriend. The Christian dating advice industry doesn’t deal with this problem and won’t even admit it exists.
If Jesus were to come back, millions of Christian women would have their illusion shattered that Jesus is their boyfriend. This would lead to women falsely accusing Jesus of rape to get back at him. The same false accusation bandwagon effect that happened to Bill Cosby would happen to Jesus.
Just remember, not even Jesus can avoid false accusations from women. If the son of God can’t, then you won’t be able to either if you spend enough time with women.