The point the author is trying to make is that it is as ridiculous to make rape legal as it is to make killing your child legal. Both scenarios are horrendous.
First, it is not a child, it is a cluster of cells. Second, you act like a woman decides to get an abortion between shoe stores. It is rarely just an "oh why not" and for the ones it you REALLY want that woman raising a child?
Bone vulture is a crude asshole who wants every unborn child to be killed with glee.
I think he's been deleted, but I'm willing to wager he's a sock puppet.
We should all be pro-life from conception to natural death - no exceptions.
Really now? And what do you define as natural death?
Not for rape - becuase you would be killing the child for the sins of the father.
So a woman should have to live her life, looking into her child's eyes, and seeing the eyes of a man who dehumanized her to the point of utilization and disposability? And should a child have to see pain in his mother's eyes every time she looks at him? Finally, what about the women that just can't afford to have that child foisted on them. Should she be put into the poorhouse? Should the child, who shouldn't have to suffer for the sins of the father, have to suffer in poverty, instead? A child should be a choice...a blessing. Not a punishment, and a burden.
Not for incest - same reasoning.
So that the father, mother AND child can all live in shame?
There are no health reasons to intentionally kill a child.
Ectopic Pregnancy is a big one. Look it up.
BOTH Mother and child are equally important!
Forgive me, but I feel the life and livelihood of the one that's currently here supersedes the one who might be here. Call me evil. Call me a bastard. I believe as a man, I have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body.
May God forgive you for thinking it is ever OK to kill a child.
Thanks, but I had my daily intake of guilt already. But thanks for trying.