Anonymous Coward #fundie

[On the discovery of a new dinosaur species in Utah.]

Dinosaurs aren't real.
Triceratops? Didn't exist.
Brontosaurus? Didn't exist.
Dino's can't mate due to their size and weight.
Science now believes many had feathers... As reptiles.
No heart, or bone, or lungs can support land creatures of that size.
Dino skeletons and fossils in museums are plaster models and are designed by artists.
Dino's are only mind control for children.
Dinosaucers! Dinobots! Denver the last dinosaur. Yoshi. Land before time. They're back a dinosaur story. Jurassic Park.
The devil didn't put bones in the ground to test Christians. Men did to make money off an imaginary story.

What was found in Utah is either fake or just pieces of bone of some normal animal.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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