Wingedlion #fundie

How to identify a Satanic infiltrator in a Church

Years before I got involved in spiritual warfare, I was a minister in a home church that ministered to hard core sinners. I wanted the worse of the worse to teach the deeper aspects of the Christian life to ; so that they too could find release from heavy bondage to sin. I did this under the belief that "sinners make the very best Christians".

During my years of ministry, I ministered to homosexuals living with AIDS; Prostitutes, Drug addicts, and Generational Satanist that were trying to escape the abuse of the occult and of their covens.

This presented it's own set of pecularities, like demon possession. I didn't have anyone who could counsel me on how to counsel to others, so I had to get on my knees and get my answers to how to minister to such from the Lord Himself.

As I began to be proficiant in deliverance ministry, I then tried to "disciple" those who I helped to be delivered from the occult by taking them to my conservative Baptist Church that I attended. But one Sunday, I had this one young lady get aggitated during the service, then she became scared, finally she got up and ran out of the service never to return again.

After two weeks of trying to find this girl I finally was able to set up a meeting by a mutual friend who had oridinally invited her to our group. As I asked her why she ran out, she was shaking like a leaf, and what she told me ran through me like a cold steel sword to my heart.

"The most powerful Satanist in town are at your church...and they are running it." "And they recognized me, and I them, and if I go back to Church with you I will be in danger and they will kill me." This was the greatest shock of my life. I had no idea that the conservative Baptist church that was the flag ship of the bible fellowship that it represented had become infiltrated by a group of Satanist, let alone were running the thing. I had to do some research, and sure enough, the girl was correct. And, they weren't just in my church, they were in every Church.

These are a few things that I discovered that one may use in identifying these infiltrators. They are crafty and they are able to hide very well but these things will help you in discovering what took my by surprise; but let me fore warn you, once your eyes are opened, you will never be the same again. So let us begin...


The scriptural prescedence for infiltration is found in Matthew 13:24-42. Also, the early church had to deal with infiltrators too, the descriptions of their activity can be found in the book of Jude and also in II Peter chapter 2.

Infiltrators do not infiltrate the general population, they were known in the early church as "false prophets and false teachers" They will infiltrate positions of authority and of teaching so they can spread their influence properly.

1.) Infiltrators take positions of authority: Pastors, teachers, choir directors, alter workers, deceans, etc. They come in with lots of money and lots of political influence and they throw this around like candy when first infiltrating a church. This money and influence buys them a position of authority and power in the church.

2.) Infiltrators identify themselves with symbols: This can be done mostly by jewelry or clothing. They do this to identify their position of power to other infiltrators who then get behind them and support them in their efforts to destroy the Church from within. The most common is that of the:
a. Ring worn on the middle finger: The middle finger is a finger that is associated with Saturn, which is anagram for Satan. A ring of any sort worn on the middle finger signals that they have magickal power in their bloodline. Occult practices are divided into two groups; left hand path, which is more of a satanistic type of occult, and the right hand path that is more religious and Luciferian in manner. Which hand they wear the ring on will identify which path of witchcraft they practice.
The plain gold wedding band is the most powerful symbol of all. It signifies that their bloodline can produce an anti-Christ, and it also signifies a "bride of Satan" position of power. A plain gold wedding band worn on the middle finger is a "bride of Satan" symbol that signifies their authority in Satan.

B.) Another symbol is the wearing of red:A red dress for the ladies and a red tie for the men. It is in homage to the "Beast" that is described in Revelation as being a red seven headed dragon. Also, Sunday is the high witch day for power. Notice when ever a state function is broadcast on TV, how many red ties and how many red dresses there are. These are symbols that Satanist use to identify themselves one to another.

That is enough to get started, let's see how much reaction this gets, and I assure it will get plenty of reaction. One cannot reveal the devil's secrets without paying the price, let the fireworks begin...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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