Elijah #fundie boardserver.superstats.com

Who are these rebellious souls I see burning incense, ringing bells, chanting unholy words, and bowing down to images made by man? Where are righteous children hiding on Earth in these days of perdition while false gods are stealing Truth out of the hearts of fathers and mothers? Why has the Church of God not heeded the call to unity or taken a stand with this prophet?

Have servants of Christ forsaken redemption in their zeal to compromise with the Evil One? Has power given unto loyal souls to overcome guilt, temptation, and hopelessness been cast aside in favor of pride, wealth, and fame? Has the world heard voices calling religious leaders to bend in submission to the authority of Christ? Has desire for earthly power taken precedence over the desire to humbly serve the poor of spirit in the Church of this day? It is with sorrow in my heart that I look upon the corruptible ways of this adulterous generation. There has been a falling away from the favor of God for those who seek to appease lustful appetites. The meek are being shunned to favor the arrogant; the needy are scorned, speakers of holy words are mocked, and doers of good deeds are hindered by those who slander. Did anyone believe my false accusers in 2003? Will anyone doubt that Hell is real in July of 2007?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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