cooljoebay2 #fundie

Ask yourself. Do you really think you can trust evildoers to give you Truth? Not a chance. These people are all worldly figures, seeking fame and fortune. They have just infiltrated Christianity to stink it up to betray GOD. Do they know it? Probably not. Because they are fools who have been deceived by Satan. Because Satan spends more time in the church than anywhere else.

There is only one place to find the Truth. And it has been written. 1000 years ago, there was only one place to get it. And we were never told to erect institutions or build technology to manage TRUTH. It was still already written. Today it is the same. It is written. We still are not told to use technology. But it is here. And it is used by the deceivers of the world.

You want the TRUTH. Better stay clear of movies like this one. You need to PROVE to GOD that your life is devoted to Him. And you do so by giving up this life. You don't pursue fame and fortune like Jaci Velazquez. She's an imposter. You do exactly what the real Jesus told you to do. Follow Him. He has called us out of the world. He didn't say to be part of the world. You don't aid and abet the enemy. You short circuit it by cutting off your support. Stop conforming. The mainstream form of Christianity is a complete fraud. It seeks to keep you in society while thinking you have found your way. But you are just another Adam or Eve.

Jesus showed that we have to stop helping to promote the evils of this world. Instead, we should be surviving off of what GOD gave us, while spreading His TRUTH. Need food? Grow it. Need water? Catch the rain. Need shelter? Live in a tent or camper. Stop striving for things of the world like the imposters in this movie. Else, you will be like the rich man who refused Jesus wishes for him to give up the riches.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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