And This Barbaric Ideology of Islam and Muslims are suppose to be "the religion of Peace"? Wake up America! Go back to your Bible and read it again and again!
Daesh is dead in Syria. Mucho sympathy for Muslims in New Zealand.
We woke up to the real terrorists way before via the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing in 1996.
Question: was that act of terrorism committed by a Muslim immigrant...?!
Note that Christian terrorists outnumber Muslim ones right now.
And that the OT is full of stories of God committing barbaric acts, or commanding his followers to do so.
But I guess Debbie hasn't ever actually read her Bible (unless it's the same half-dozen quotes all fundies memorise while ignoring the rest of the text).
Wake up Debbie! Why not compare your Bible with the Koran, dearie. You'll probably find quite a lot that is said in both books. You might even find that the Koran, being the younger of the two, is slightly more progressive than the older Bible, and the even older Torah.
Speaking of barbaric, Debbie; what do you say about taking non-virgin brides to the house of their father, to have them stoned by the men in the village? (Deuteronomy 22:20-21) How about having bears maul children for being impertinent? (2 Kings 2:23-24) Are you one of those who hate hijabs etc? Women covering their heads is in the Bible too. (1 Corinthians 11:5-6)
Ohh, this is an easy game, I love easy games!
1) White Christians who commit horrible acts of terrorism are misguided, not real Christians, and certainly not representative of the Christian faith.
2) Any Muslim of any ethnic origin who so much as punches someone in the nose is a danger to society, a blind follower of so-called Sharia Law, and a true representative of all Muslims everywhere, for all time, and of the barbaric Muslim faith.
See? It's easy!
The Bible never mentioned Muslims, genius. In America, this could be applied much more to Christians than any other religious group. We homegrown our terrorists, being so far from everywhere else.
Another case of 'super Christian, knows everything Biblical' POSER that often prove they've never read the Bible like this. It says nothing about Islam as it's slightly older shit than that shit and oblivious to the many act and threats of deaths to unbelievers of that shit.
Dogma, political and racial hate additions to the Bible, and it was already bad enough
I have read both, funny how the same stories turn up in both books. It's as if they were originally Middle Eastern folklore.
It's not a religion of peace when some sicko MURDERS 50 people, who happened to be Muslim.
Stare into any ideology deep enough, going all the way to the extremes, and you'll find the hateful and violent ideology that exists.
Or if not yet, then you'll see the people that are heading in that direction.
No one is immune to propaganda. Anyone can be radicalized. Understanding that is the first step in protecting yourself from it.
Debbie here has failed in that. She's allowed the propaganda against a religious group (though chances are, said hatred is probably more likely based on race with the *justification* that it's based on religion) to cloud her good sense and encourage her to fall prey to bigotry.
Fact is, majority of Muslims *do* just want to live in peace. They want to stop being attacked on the streets, having their clothing ripped off of them, allowed to make their own choices... and many of them are better at it than Debbie here.
Does that make it a "Religion of Peace"? Probably not. But that doesn't mean its adherents can't be peaceful.
Please read your bibles, people!
Then think about what you read.
Then you can be free, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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