[On undocumented immigrants]
They're more than welcome to go back to Mexico (or whatever other country they illegally came from) and ask their government to give them welfare. Or work in Mexico. Or whatever.
Not America's problem and not America's fault Mexico is a corrupt mafia state that keeps people down. They're not citizens and they didn't even come legally.
Want to come in? Do it legally. Don't qualify legally? Tough luck.
The idea that something is "not (X)'s problem" is only applicable to the point where it does become your problem.
Problems left untreated have a habit of spreading until they are everyone's problem.
So if the dam breaks and Mexico has an armed communist revolution to throw off its corrupt mafia state just like Cuba did 60 years back, don't act shocked.
They were just solving their own problems.
They're more than welcome to go back to Mexico (or whatever other country they illegally came from) and ask their government to give them welfare. Or work in Mexico. Or whatever.
If they could get what they needed in their own countries that easily, they wouldn't be risking their lives sneaking into America, ya doorknob! (Rule of thumb: If you're wondering why people don't do the simple thing, take a closer look and you'll generally find a good reason why.)
You had to use the PC words of "undocumented immigrants"...
"If Mexico is a "corrupt Mafia state that keeps people down," why wouldn't you want its people to come here?"
Why do people think the USA is a dumping ground for everyone else's problems? Can't you fix your own?
The USA had problems too. No country to defect to, for example if you were a slave or someone who supported slaves being free the only recourse was to fight. And they did. And they won.
There are probably at least several abused wives in the neighborhood, but the solution isn't forcing me or anyone else to shelter them in their own homes.
Suck to be them, but I'm not going to invite total strangers into the house that I have no idea who they are.
@Some Christian Anon
You're talking about people who are citizens of the country by birth. The rest doesn't matter.
IllegalsSuck: Ah, yes, the old "compare the entire country to my backyard" fallacy. Unless you are living in one of the Mexican-American ghettoes most illegals are forced into, in which case my apologies.
Oh, and what the fuck do you think slaves were doing when they fled for the (relatively more) tolerant Northern states? And are you really suggesting abused wives have no right to try and run from their abuser?
Of course they can run from their abuser, that doesn't mean they have to forcibly move into my home.
At the very least they will be removed from the property.
"Oh, and what the fuck do you think slaves were doing when they fled for the (relatively more) tolerant Northern states?"
Are you seriously comparing movement between US states (same political union, same country essentially) to movement between two completely different countries with completely seperate political systems and a border law?
That's dumb.
Uh, did you miss the part where I got at you for fallaciously comparing your house to an entire vast country? Because you just did it again. If there are actual Mexican squatters in your house, throw 'em out at your leisure, but the USA happens to be a wee bit larger than your yard and your opinion is just one of millions.
Yes, the US was technically one country even then, but the states were hardly United. The political gulf was pretty vast, in fact. Even then, though, my comparison was the idea that, if you were in a crappy situation and desperate enough, you'd do anything and try to go anywhere, no matter how dangerous or illegal. The illegals don't deserve to be bent down to as though they were Gods, but treating them like scum isn't going to solve anything either - it just engenders further, racially motivated issues.
The analogy is entirely accurate since US territory belongs to US citizens.
"it just engenders further, racially motivated issues"
I don't give a shit if they're white British illegals. Illegals suck and should go away LOL (and American illegals should get out of Britain and Mexico too, not sure how many there are, but the same principle applies)
Yeah, other than his tone, I think hes right in principle. In all honesty, if it was Americas responsibility to take care of Mexican Citizens, than we might as well annex the country. What we should do is focus on the reason why the illegals entered the country in the first place.
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