runny nose #conspiracy
Chemtrails...why we have them.
I am an old guy...I know what a vapor trail is, hell been seeing them in the skies for years...till late 80s, been a roofer for 30 I know the what a normal Sun is.
I am also a Sun weather guy and been watching Sun events for 20 years.
I believe when they trail it is for solar management reasons.
A weaken magnetic field is getting worster (my trolling word, we all have one)
we now have a white Sun, many many filaments, and tons of coronal holes now, where we did not have this type of behavior from the sun before.
back in the day they would spray on CMEs that were some what earth directed.
NOW, i see the spraying every tmie the SUN is gearing up a Coronal hole to point at us...was not that way 7 years ago.
as the years have gone by...I have to say with they are worried about the sun and our field.
There is an event coming that they are disparately trying to mitigate..not sure how long you can hold space weather back of fix or Earths force field.
Just saying do what you love..the spraying and space weather are going to change this planet.
This event will be in my life time..I have seen that they are picking up the pace for trailing us...and many other events in space is also speeding up
get right with GOD (if you have one) and do right by your family and friends.
Myself..stop working in 2010 and just enjoying my time i have left.
working and playing good consumer only helps the elites build their bunkers with my money..the signs are all around you if you care to look.