ATHEISTS are aimless, they are confused about many things in this world.
Opening your argument with unsupported assertions and namecalling isn't a good way to win friends and influence people, Platinum.
90% of earthly phenomenon can't be explained by Science.
Assuming that this is even true, 100% of earthly phenomenon can't be explained by "GODDIDIT!", so science still wins.
Christians and believers of all other religions are not confused at all.
If believers aren't confused at all, then why are there so many religions and sects of religions? Why have they resorted to violence and abuse countless times over the centuries?
Being certain in your beliefs doesn't make them correct, but it does make it harder for you to accept when you're shown to be wrong.
Then know and believe who controls our all acts.
Yeah, you claim knowledge, but since you can't demonstrate how you came to this knowledge, that claim is meaningless.
There are Muslims, Hindus, and Jews, among others, who "know", by the same reasoning you've used, that they're correct and that you're wrong, yet you disregard them. Why?
Obviously who is not confused are smarter.
Actually, Platinum, the smarter ones are those that can be demonstrated to be smarter, regardless of their belief system. There are smart atheists and dumb atheists, and there are smart theists and dumb theists.
Your attempt to blindly label religious folk as "smarter" places you in the latter category.