David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is the CFR that controls our nation, sends our nation to war and has taken complete control over the United States. Admittedly, we are being lied to by the media and our nation's top leaders. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY THE MAINSTREAM NEWSMEDIA. I like what Wayne Paul (Dr. Ron Paul's brother) calls them... the MUD-STREAM MEDIA! The mud-slinging media are our enemies, scum, presstitutes, social traitors, sycophantic liars!

A “media whore” is someone who sells out their character and honor; deliberately lying, hiding and misrepresenting the truth in exchange for career advancement and financial gain. That's all that the mainstream newsmedia is today—media whores! Humans are so gullible, easily docile. In a few generations the American people will think they were born to be slaves.

While the media hypes petty crimes being committed by hard-pressed Americans who have lost their job, home, marriage, retirement and children; not a word is mentioned about the treasonous crimes being committed by our nation's leaders. Not a word of criticism is said by the mainstream newsmedia about tens-of-trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars by the Banksters, the perpetual illegal war in Iraq, our troops being exploited as heroin farmers in Afghanistan, the 911 attacks being a proven inside government job, intrusive naked body scanners at the airports, and so forth. Instead, the newsmedia hypes the public concerning LeBron James quitting Ohio's basketball team and moving to Florida.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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