I’m willing to corroborate with angry Europeans, disgusted Americans, and the stste of Israel to finally destroy the grand center of gutter Islam, Mecca & Medina. Then we’ll descend on the capital of every Islamic country. Finally kicking all Islamists out of the UK and France. Where will they go? We’ll set up grand theatres where thay can view The Satanic Verses in celluloid, run in perpetual looop, with the Dutch cartoons providing intermitent comic relief. Sharia Law won’t stand a chance.
Fortunately sane Europeans and Americans and the state of Israel aren't as stupid as you are. In this Muslim capital, there aren't that many people who've heard of the Satanic Verses and far fewer who care about the upset it caused to Muslims. And you'll have to explain to the guys drinking beer and the girls in short shorts how you're liberating them from sharia.
And the cartoons were newspaper cartoons, not animations and they were Danish, not Dutch.
What exactly would qualify a country as "muslim"? Let's say it's more than 75% muslim population, which would mean you'd have to bomb the following European countries: Albania, Turkey, Azerbaijan (which while technically not in Europe, sees itself as European country and has the long-term goal of EU membership) and Kosovo. Two of those are NATO members which would mean that if you attacked them, the rest of the NATO would have to declare war on you.
Let's say a muslim country is any country in which for over 50 years a sizable muslim population has been living and has basically been integrated into society. Well, have fun bombing Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Peking and New Delhi.
Yeah, and those muslims you want to torture, they're all going to sit back and be converted, because people don't start to hate you when you torture them.
At least let you're genocidal fantasies not be suicidal.
Israel is not even remotely able to gauge how Islam influences them, they are dug too deep into blind nationalism and religious intolerance
Europe has fuck all to do against the Middle East, and while loss of identity against some extremist groups is starting to become a problem this isn't even remotely going to be a solution
As for the US we know where it's going...
"Finally kicking all Islamists out of the UK"
And good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
And once you start a McCarthy-esque 'guilty until proven innocent' purge of all right-wing Fundamental ist Christains in the US - with it's worse -than Sharia Law-like '10 Commandments outside of courtrooms' & worse -than Al-Qaeda Theocratic Dominionist 'agenda', then maybe you'll have some sympathy via we in the UK.
PROTIP: 30 years we in the UK had to deal with the Christian IRA. 30 years - and from a mainly American -funded terrorist group & their car bombs; mostly in London, but we in Hull had at least three bomb scares in which the IRA claimed responsibility.
Where I live, in Hull, there are Muslim immigrants living here. Strange then, that in all the years they've been here, not one single instance of any Islamist activity, never mind attacks by an Al-Qaeda cell have occurred. But then, here in the very secular UK...:
image image
...the '10 Commandments' doesn't stand a chance.
The rightist solution always seems to involve killing lots of people, many of whom are completely innocent, but remember, it's the left who are Nazis.
Instant WTF for utter pie-in-the-sky reality-starved unintentional comedy value.
I can't help imagining a lot of yobbos in football boots drinking Stella and Carlsberg, setting off on the Eurostar and going the completely wrong fucking direction.
Hmm... Tommy Robinson, is that you?
Yeah, go ahead! Just walk straight into Mecca! I'll wait here and cheer.
You fail politics forever, by the way.
"The rightist solution always seems to involve killing lots of people, many of whom are completely innocent, but remember, it's the left who are Nazis."
The far left isn't innocent either. Remember communism and the millions MURDERED by those regimes?
You however make no such distinction. You didn't mention far rightist, just rightist. This is just propaganda and it doesn't surprise me considering the site is dominated by self-righteous lefties posing as rationalists.
The Islamic world freaking stinks.
It's super politically corrupt, and really hot in the summer, but the revolutions might eventually fix that.
But getting news through a straw and filter doesn't justify an attack on Muslims, who are pretty ok. Seriously, you guys act like you AREN'T the nazis here.
"The Islamic world freaking stinks.
It's super politically corrupt, and really hot in the summer, but the revolutions might eventually fix that."
Revolutions will fix heat in the summer? How? LOL
Also I'm still waiting for those revolutions to fix anything. So far they haven't, they have allowed Islamist parties to rise to power while secular Muslims (rather few in number too) are murdered and marginalized.
The Muslim Brotherhood has fallen in Egypt, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be more secular. Wait and see.
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