Every (heretofore) white country is being colonized and race replaced. Our institutions subverted against us, our culture razed, and our people attacked both physically and rhetorically. What will be left to our children within a few generations? Certainly not a nation other than its besieged remnants. Just a polyglot geography. One featuring an eternally increasing and violent black underclass; a sprawling mestizo proletariat employed by an Asian/Indian merchant class; all supervised by a film of anti-white jewish plutocrats and politicos. The diminishing number of Whites within all strata will be marginalized through the ancient and ingrained nepotism of the aforementioned groups—their future to be found in rest-homes and museums—their children demoralized or turned janissary.
And what do “conservatives” have to say of this future? Nothing obviously, as it doesn’t affect marginal tax rates or endless military expeditions. Because that’s “conservatism.” In fact, the only time they can be roused to address their own children’s impending dystopia at all is to reflexively chant programmed responses at any white who mentions it or the jews’ role in it: “nazishitlerholofascist—” ad infinitum.
Yes zombies, it’s all well-trod rhetoric; you’re performing immaculately. Let us hope your assiduous embrace of prescribed dogma will offer some succor to your posterity when Haiti 1804 becomes America 2104.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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