The more I think about the "liberation of women" from their supposedly oppressed status under the heavy hands of men, the more astonished I am that such liberation would express itself in such determined willingness to murder helpless children, simply because of their stage of development.
The irony is breathtaking.
I need to do some research. I know that listings of plants and their medical uses have been found in ancient cultures and that some of these listings have included plants that terminate pregnecy. If ancient cultures were using these plants for that purpose, what makes this idiot think that women have only been using them since their liberation.
You really get the feeling that for these loonies having had an abortion is the sine qua non condition to gain the status of liberated woman.
I'm an atheist, living in Gawdless France where abortion is legal since 1975 (1967 for life-or-death cases), but neither my mother nor any of my female acquaintances had an abortion to my knowledge. And most of them would eat christdependent alive if he ever tried to send them back to the kitchen...
The more I think about "Liberation of slaves" from their supposedly oppressed status under the heavy hands of white, the more atonished I am that such liberation would express itself in the rise of criminality. It´s the same logic here. What has abortion to do with having equal page, equal responsibility in legal terms and right to vote, for example?
Once again:
Two beings organisms occupying one body cannot have equal rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Taking away a woman's right to bodily domain makes her, basically, an unwilling incubator. Giving a fetus the right to live inside her body without her consent gives it MORE rights than, not rights equal to, any other person.
I dunno about fetus =/= child, because the child doesn't suddenly become an aware, feeling being when it passes through the natal canal. You don't spring into existance with the issuance of a birth certificate.
Yes, a woman's body is her own, and I believe in women's rights - but at a certain point in an embryo's development it becomes a seperate entity with a budding awareness and the ability to feel and think. When that happens, the woman's actions would not only affect her own body, but that of another human being. Does the woman then have the right to kill a living human being to suit her own lifestyle?
The -problem- is that nobody has yet been able to definately point out when a fetus becomes a seperate being. I think the argument shouldn't be whether abortion is good or bad, but the conditions under which it should or should not be done.
As with many things, this is an unresolvable debate because the best choice is a shade of grey that changes with every situation. Some problems just don't have concrete answers.
Only a clump of cells is not the same thing as a child, and getting rid of that clump is not the same thing as murder. And, frankly, I think it's barbaric to strip away someone else's rights away just because of those cells. A fully formed, adult human being is more important than that.
Also, if you you don't think that women have been oppressed, then maybe you'd like to have your rights taken away and to be counted as no more than someone else's property? Maybe you'd like to give up your right to vote, or your right to work in all but a very few fields, just because of what's between your legs. Then you can come back and run your mouth.
I am that such liberation would express itself in such determined willingness to murder helpless children, simply because of their stage of development.
Oh, like you really give a damn about the fetus.
Admit it. The real reason you hate abortion is because it allows women to have sex without receiving "divine punishment" in the form of motherhood.
The irony is breathtaking. Yes, it is, but not in the way that you seem to think.
First, that's not irony - get a dictionary.
Second, not all "liberated" women get abortions. None that I know of have "determined willingness" to get abortions - it's usually a hesitant, but necessary, choice.
On a semi-related note:
Wouldn't giving fetuses 'person' status still support abortion, due to laws concerning the right to refuse another's use of your body and/or its functions?
My mother received that "divine punishment" in the form of me... and the one who suffered for it was, once again, me. If these assholes really cared about children they wouldn't force them to be raised by people who would rather they were dead.
People have always murdered helpless innocent children. Before there were relatively safe abortions, people killed them after birth, or just left them out in the open, to be eaten by animals. Often, the man more or less demanded that the woman would "solve the problem" if he was to stick around. Some just left the woman, thinking it was just her problem. Some women with unwanted pregnancies were put into mental institutions, with or without the baby. Unwanted kids were taken to baby farms, or as we called them in Sweden; "angel-makers". That might sound cute, but shortly after the baby arrived, it suddenly died, thus became an angel.
I could go on and on and on... Part of the liberation for women was the ability to KEEP the baby without being an outcast in society. That outcast part made a lot of women kill themselves, and thereby also the fetus. The liberation movement also saw it as more humane to remove a tiny blob of non-sentient cells, than to drown a new-born baby.
In short, more BABIES were murdered before the liberation of women, than afterwards. Now, non-sentient indistinct millimeter-long worm-like things are removed instead. A plus is that fewer women die in childbirth, and fewer are harmed during childbirth and have to live with life-long incontinence of the bladder and/or rectum.
The irony is indeed breathtaking. But not in the way you imagine it, idiot.
What happened five minutes after 10PM on 8th June was breathtaking: especially as - not twelve hours later - that exit poll was proven to be fact .
So you want a man in 10 Downing Street, christonabike...?! [/hyper-paradox]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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