Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Could Edward SNOWDEN be Cadwaladr, The Great Welsh Prince returned per legend, to defeat the anglophile world?

Just a theory I came up with, but the name Snowden is certainly from North Wales, and no one has done more to harm the emerging Anglo-American police state and world government than this great-great-grandson (pronounced Kad-wall-uh-der) of Wales.

Here is a link about the legend of Cadwaladr and Cynan (pronounced Koo-nen), two early Welsh warriors who fought the Saxons and are rumored to return one day and defeat them:

[link to (secure)]

Everyone knows the story of King Arthur, but many think his retunr will be from from Wessex, or even from Cornwall. This author (and many others) think the fiercest resistance to the final decline of the Britons (which was found in North Wales) will also be the "birthplace" of "the once and future king," Cadwaladr!

Something you may not have known about Snowden:

(from wikipedia):

"On May 7, 2004, Snowden enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Special Forces candidate through its 18X enlistment option, but he did not complete the training. He said he wanted to fight in the Iraq War because he "felt like [he] had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression." Snowden said he was discharged after breaking both legs in a training accident. He was discharged on September 28, 2004."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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