David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
The early church in the Book of Acts was rocking the boat. They were making people angry by preaching the truth. Some people were martyred, willing to die for the cause of Christ. In acts 19:19 many who had been involved with the occult brought their "curious arts" and burned them in a bonfire. The worth of the books and items were 50,000 pieces of silver (about $48,000 in today's value, and millions in Bible times). A piece of silver was a day's wage in the New Testament.
The local idol makers were so enraged at Paul, that the other believers had to keep him from the angry mob waiting to tear him to pieces (Acts 19:30). This is what the truth does friend, it puts the beer companies out of business. It puts the pornographic perverts out of business. It shuts down the taverns and whore houses. The truth cleans up the community. It cause women to keep their babies instead of murdering them. It puts the Rosary makers out of business. It puts the palm readers, Tarot card readers, and psychics out of business. It puts the Godless video game makers out of business. It puts Godless Hollywood and Devilish Walt Disney out of business. It puts the gambling casinos out of business. The truth puts the strip joints and nightclubs out of business. Praise God, when Jesus returns at the Second Coming, He will put all these evil people out of business!!!
Please notice that the early believers didn't just preach a salvation message. The Apostle Paul preached about all the things concerning the kingdom of God (Acts 19:8). I actually had a preacher tell me, that when I came to his church, he only wanted me to preach a “salvation message.” He didn't like me teaching that all modern Bibles are corrupt. He didn't like when I preached against liquor. He didn't like when I preached against bars and nightclubs. He didn't like when I exposed the lies of Roman Catholicism. And he hated when I preached with zeal and fervor. He actually accused me of shouting at the people from the pulpit. I was shouting at anybody, I was zealously proclaiming the truth with excitement. I don't know about you, but I get exciting knowing that I have found the truth in Christ Jesus. Eventually he threw me out the door.