"Let's engage in fantasy for a moment like Darwinists do and pretend that the bible wasn't written by God but by a fallible human author, particularly a fiction novelist since the secular world claims that the bible is fiction."
There's that word "Dwarwinist" again. Is it really the 1850s on your side of the internet?
"Would you argue and fight about words in a fiction book and try to change the words in it?"
Buddy, I'd argue about Dick and Jane if some fool kept telling me that Dick was coming to kick my ass if I didn't believe that Jane was my savior.
"How much time would you spend trying to change the ending of "Little red Riding Hood" to make the "Big Bad Wolf" into a good guy?"
None. Unless some jackass was trying to get Little Red Riding Hood taught in schools as actual history or some other stupid fucker was telling me the Big Bad Wolf was coming to blow my house down because I don't believe he exists.
"If a fiction author said that the Flying Spaghetti Monster condemned you to hell, would you get furious and slander the author?"
Yes, if the stupid fucker wanted it taught in schools. Or was burning people at the stake for the better part of a millennium for not believing him.
"Of course not...unless you had some kind of mental disorder."
So, the other guy is claiming Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf and the Flying Spaghetti Monster are real and I'm the one with a mental disorder for telling him he's full of shit?
Yeah, this sounds like fundy reasoning to me.
"Yet that's what the secular world tries to do with the bible that they claim is fiction. So either the secular world is so deluded that they can't tell fact from fantasy, or they know deep inside that the bible is the infallible Word of God, or both."
Nice false dilemma. There are other options such as your Wholly Babble is completely unsubstantiated. Nothing in it lines up with reality, be it scientific or historical fact outside of a few casual observations that anyone with two eyes and a functioning synapse could figure out. Yet you want to claim it's the Word of Gawd and I'm supposed to believe it.
Talk about delusional.
"That's called suppression. Suppression is when someone consciously tries to deny something he knows to be true in his sub-conscience. An example of that is an alcoholic who is drunk most of his life and denies that he as a drinking problem."
I, nor you for that matter, know any god exists. You may think you know. You may believe it's true but you do not know any such thing.
Given that we both have the same amount of evidence (i.e. diddly squat), why am I the irrational one for not believing it? Do you believe other things with no evidence for them?
"I've asked this same question before to atheists and their response was;
"We're not afraid of the bible, we're afraid of Christians who believe the bible.'"
I'm afraid of anyone ignorant enough to believe they have all the answers. Particularly when they believe all those answers are contained in a single fucking book that has been shown time and again for 2000+ years to be fucking wrong about damned near everything it states.
"My response to them is; Are you afraid of "Trekkies" (Star Trek fans)? Are you afraid of the fans of Harry Potter books? And better yet, do you curse the "Big Bad Wolf", Darth Vader or any other fiction character you consider a villain? If they tried to convince you that those books are true, would you argue with them? Or would you dismiss them as lunatics?"
Bingo on that last one. Hence my attitude toward yourself.
"So sorry, but trying to change the words of a book you claim is fiction betrays your real knowledge that you know the bible was written by God and is thus, true."
I have never, not once, tried to change a single word in your Wholly Babble. I like it just the way it is as it shows just how fucking wrong your beliefs are.
Leviticus is my favorite book, by the way. Read it some time and you may discover why.
"So God is right, as always, in Romans 1:18, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godless men who have suppressed the truth by their wickedness." That it is."
WRONG! You've first got to establish that a god of some kind exists. Next you have to show evidence that this god is your god. You then have to show that it had anything to do with this planet at any time, let alone having a hand in your specific book of fairy tales.
Then we can get around to figuring out what it may or may not think/feel/believe/do/say/etc. about whatever topic you'd like to discuss.
Quoting your book at me is useless until you show it has any validity at all.
"So instead of trying to prove God wrong or think you know better than God does, you would fare much better if you listened to Him because only He can determine your ultimate fate."
See above.
I don't waste my time trying to "prove wrong" unsubstantiated entities. Why, that would be as silly as attempting to hold a conversation with one. Wouldn't you agree?