You missed the point about God's 'free energy' Outrider...the latest buzz-word in scientific circles.
Well...they wont understand this until they understand how the atom is made and they wont get the gist of that until they have worked out how galaxies are formed or what dark matter and dark energy is. But is all there written between the lines in the Holy Bible...but if you find it difficult to comprehend may I suggest that the Gospels are a good place to start.
And I suppose you can paint with all the colours of the wind, too.
Science would probably accept the idea of there being god if there is proper evidence for it.
The bible doesn't count.
Before, you have stated that the sun is Dog's free energy source. I agree that it is an energy source but not Dog's. Soon, hopefully, secular science will devise a way to successfully tap that source in a manner that it can be used large scale.
Instead of the babble, I think you should turn to a science book. After all...
Before I forget, thank you for further destroying creationism. Some creotards like to trot out how evolution couldn't happen due to the SLOT. The sun is a constant source of energy that get's pumped into/onto the earth, therefore it is not a closed system and ergo, SLOT argument failure.
"until they understand how the atom is made and [...] how galaxies are formed or what dark matter and dark energy is. But is all there written between the lines in the Holy Bible"
Oh really? Please tell me where, exactly, in the bible it is clearly, literally, and comprehensively written how atoms are made and what dark matter and dark energy is. If it does explain all those things before we figured them out, I might just convert.
But I somehow severely doubt these words are ever mentioned in a book that was written by primitive goat f*ckers over a thousand years ago. Goat f*ckers who never came close to studying actual philosophy, ethics, physics, cosmology, biology, math, etc... Pretty much every subject of actual science that the bible deludedly thinks it has twenty doctorates in*.
But if they could and did, the bible might have actually made sense and be more believable.
*Explains why diploma mills are so popular amongst fundies, the writers of their book(s) did it before it was cool.
Too bad those between-lines are only readable AFTER science has explained something;, THEN suddenly, an intelligible passage in the Bible is interpreted as speaking about the thing.
Yeah, a much better place to start than Deuteronomy or Leviticus. Those are both so boring you will have a hard time getting through them.
I read the bible quite a few times on my journey from christian to atheist. I don't remember there being any quantum equations or relativistic formula in any of the verses. Or did I just miss something like:
"And lo, Jesus did say to his disciples: Break this atom, for it is my energy condensed into matter for you. And it shall be freed with a force equal to that mass and the quickness of light increased by itself."
...meanwhile, the Large Hadron Collider.
Your 'God' can't even calculate Pi beyond 3, yet the ancient Greeks calculated Pi to 75 decimal places; Pi to just 39 decimal places describes a circle the size of our observable universe.
That huge ring -shaped device in Switzerland.
Prof. Stephen Hawking can prove the existence of at least eleven dimenssions, Nicole Arse. Your 'God' can't count beyond four when it comes to the supposed 'creation' of insects.
Sorry, but my bible has omitted pages 1 through 81,246,746,119 of that chapter on chemistry, nuclear physics, mathematics, quantum mechanics, and astronomy, not to mention thermodynamics. I KNEW I should have bought the comprehensive bible version rather than just a couple of testaments.
Free energy is a buzz word in pseudoscience circles where talks about auras and ghosts dominate the conversation.
In real science, free energy is pretty much the very first thing you learn about in thermodynamics as "there is no free lunch, and if your equations are giving this result, your math is off".
Over balance wheels don't work, your sky wizard doesn't make rainbows, and Lucky Charms are made in a factory.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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