"Evolutionists only know ONE side of the debate."
Not to brag, but, as a ToE understanding and accepting atheist, I bet dollars to dead leaves that I know the Bible better than the vast majority of Christians. The reason many atheists ARE atheists is that they have studied the Bible and found it to be mostly crap. Your statement is more wishful thinking than actual thinking.
"Creationists know BOTH sides."
Creationists, on the other hand, usually don't even know THEIR side of the debate very well and always, I mean ALWAYS, have the most stupidly incorrect ideas of what the ToE says or even what it actually pertains to.
So logically, which side is the one in ignorance?"
Creationists, hands down.
“You can lead an evolutionist to science, but you can’t make him think.” "
Almost clever... well, no, could have been clever if it was at all true, though.