CertifiedRabbi #fundie reddit.com

Contrary to the common talking point that eugenics is "thoroughly debunked pseudoscience", eugenics is actually one of the most important ideas in all of human history. There's nothing pseudoscientific about the idea of improving the human gene pool. Virtually all scientists, academics, intellectuals, and progressives in the late 19th and early 20th century supported eugenics for a reason: it's the logical conclusion of Darwinian evolution.

We all recognize the importance of keeping the gene pools strong and healthy in other species, but we make an exception for our own species because we think that we're somehow immune from the accumulative effects of dysgenics. Reality check: we're not.
After the Nazis tried to implement their utopian Aryan society through utilizing extremely brutal forms of eugenics, the Western world decided to not only turn their backs on eugenics, but we went in the exact opposite direction by actually celebrating dysgenics.
The left encourages mass 3rd world immigration and miscegenation and embraces various forms of Marxism and egalitarianism, and the right demonizes birth control and abortion and embraces Christian universalism. Adopting 3rd world kids and dating outside of your race has almost become a fashion statement on both the left and the right. And the right has become even more dysgenic by viewing handicapped babies as a blessing from God. At least the left still has enough common sense to abort their handicapped fetuses. That's why down syndrome is almost completely non-existent in Iceland now.

Now, I'm not saying that we should become like the ancient Greeks and practice infanticide by tossing our handicapped babies off of a cliff, or like the early 20th century American progressives by forcibly sterilizing the feeble minded, or like the Nazis by gassing the mentally ill and other undesirables. But we need to start rethinking our opposition to eugenics now that we have enough scientific understanding and technical know-how to implement the utopian promises of eugenics without violating anyone's basic human rights.

We can all agree that countries like Switzerland and Japan greatly benefit from having an average IQ score that's about 30 points higher than the average IQ score in Nigeria and Kenya, right? Well, imagine if we could create a society that had an average IQ score of 130, 150, 180, or even 200. And imagine if we could locate the genes and alleles that make people extremely conscientious. And imagine if we could locate the genes and alleles that allow people to live long, healthy lives and break world records in sports. And imagine if we could humanely remove the genes and alleles that make people prone to criminality. We'd be able to create the most advanced civilization that ever existed within just 3 or 4 generations. And every generation would be a significant improvement over the last generation.

And we could accomplish this utopian vision without forcibly sterilizing or killing anyone. All we'd have to do is subsidize contraception and early-term abortion and make genome sequencing, embryo selection, and precision gene editing mandatory by law. Crime would disappear; productivity, GDP, and technological advancement would sky rocket; political corruption and bad governance in general would be a thing of the past; health care costs would plummet; everyone would look like supermodels; et cetera.
And leftists should support this utopian sci-fi vision as well because we'd finally be able to solve inequality and transcend the primitive tribalism that has defined our species for millennium. We'd also finally be able to fix the underlying genetic shortcomings which have held back the lower classes and brown people over the last several decades. And we'd actually be greatly diminishing human suffering by curing genetic diseases.

Eugenics is also the most logical and effective solution to climate change and a long list of other serious environmental problems. I'm a former far-left environmental extremist, so I'm very aware of the fact that human overpopulation is almost always the root cause of most environmental challenges. I'm also very aware of the fact that exponential human population growth is a looming crisis that barely anyone has the balls to talk about because they don't want to be viewed as creepy misanthropes and Bond villains. But the fact remains that our planet's dwindling natural resources simply can't sustain a population of 10+ billion people, especially if standards of living and consumption levels in the 3rd world continue to rise. So, if we have to dramatically reduce the human population, then selecting for the best and brightest simply makes sense.



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