[Regarding excess water from Noah's flood, where did it go?]
But suppose God removed the water upward --- say, took it to Mars, as Dad suggested; or Neptune, as I suggested?
With God, even the stupid and implausible is possible.
Although if he's omnipotent, I really thought he would have just destroyed the water, the same way he created it.
<capitalize He back there, I forgot to... I'm tired>
But suppose I was there and told God 'Nuh-uh. That water's mine.'
And then God and I had an epic battle where I demonstrated that I was an UNSTOPPABLE JUGGERNAUT! and forced God to concede defeat.
And then I reigned happily ever after over Switzerland.
so mars and Neptune are... up? Oh right, the world is flat.
I suppose you could argue up, for a distance, but really when you hit space, out is really more appropriate.
Silly of us to argue though, all that water on Mars had to come from somewhere.
"But suppose God removed the water upward --- say, took it to Mars, as Dad suggested; or Neptune, as I suggested?"
Then your family would be slightly less retarded. Fingers crossed!
Does the bible even mention the other planets and/or stars?
As far as I recall, Genesis only talks about Earth and the Sun.
Am I the only one getting a mental image of a flashy CGI swirling water stream thingy floating in midair, a la Pokemon the Movie 2000?
Tell me, AV, where does Lugia fit into all of this?
If god could do that, he didn't need to fucking drown the entire planet, he could have just changed reality instantaneously to make his creation good again. See, once you start invoking miracles and omnipotent gods, you can't use naturalistic or rational arguments for anything.
Strange, I don't remember any water floating away in that story. If it did happen, wouldn't Noah's ark float away as well? Uh-oh, then who's gonna repopulate the earth?
God: "I know you're hurt that I staged a coup against you Olympians, Neptun, and became the only true god... but don't be sad; when I'm through with this flood, I'll move all the water to a planet and let you be god over it."
Why do these guys even bother trying to find explanations for this crap? They've already accepted "God did it" as an explanation shouldn't that be enough?
Sometimes I think that there really is a god and that he prefers atheists. All these stupid, made up explanations are merely gifts from god for our entertainment. :D
Well, what is the color of large amoutns of water? Blue.
What is the color of Neptune (on NASA photographs)? Blue.
Seems like AV1611VET is right. His daddy, of course, cannot be correct, as Mars is red and there was never any observation of large amounts of water being red (well, axcept for 2 occasions, the plagues in egypt and the judgment day, on which the water turned red and undrinkable).
So we can assume that God cde facto took all of the water of the flood to the star neptune (star because according to the bible god created earth, sun, moon and the stars, but there was never a talk about planets, so according to fundie logic there are no planets, just stars :D)
"But suppose God removed the water upward --- say, took it to Mars, as Dad suggested; or Neptune, as I suggested?"
Or suppose that your bullshit plagiarized flood story never happened to begin with. That could work too.
ya, so water doesn't do so well on Mars, and does *really* poorly on Neptune.
do you have even a vague idea of the nature of Neptune?
It has been mentioned before, but for someone as insane as AV, wouldn't the far more "logical" choice simply be that god magic-ed the water into, and out of existence?
People this stupid should be required to register with some kind of agency.
And besides, since god can apparently violate the laws of physics willy-nilly, why can't the water have just vanished?
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